My Life, My Secrets, My Story Part 26

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Part 26

What happens? What is the old man saying?! Let's find out!

I'd like to thank hiandhey for helping me with this chapter! She's awesome! Go check out her stories cause she's the reason I'm uploading this one or I'd have major writers block!


Alex's POV (continued)

What does that have (anything) to do with all of this?! My (parents) don't even know anything about this world.

"What?! What do my parents and Suzy's have to do with (anything)?! My parents don't even (know) about this world!!" I told him, and yelled.

Mary and Jess looked very worried and very afraid. Oh they should be! I thought.

I marched up to them, angry right now. I was completely and utterly exhausted from all these puzzles and clues. Can't anyone just flat out say what I need to know?! Is that so hard?! It's like a goose chase! Ugh, I am sick and tired of all these questions, running through my head and I want answers now!

"You have to tell me, (now)! I want to know what exactly is going on! Why you look nothing like Suzy and why both me and Suzy have the same picture of our grandparents. Why I'm a werewolf, when I thought I was human? Why I don't know what going on? I need (answers) and I need them (now)!" I told them angrily.

They looked absolutely terrified. So do the pack. They look really scared, but I'm too mad to feel guilty. I keep glaring at them.

"Are you going to tell me or not?!" I asked, murderous right now.

They sighed and looked at each other before nodding. Jess started speaking.

"I think you better call your parents. We have to tell you and Suzy together." Jess said.

"But my parents-" I started.

"Don't know about this world, and are on business trips. We know, that's just a cover." he explained.

I was confused now. How did they know? Just a cover? What were they really doing?

"Just call them, we'll explain together." Mary said, sighing.

Everyone was looking at us. My anger was still there but it was mixed in with the confusion.

"The meeting has ended. You all may go now." I told them.

Everyone was too scared to do anything but leave. It was only me, Alec, Zane, Mary and Jess. I didn't really want him here for this.

"Alec, I'm sorry. But I need you to leave." I told him.

He nodded, confused and a little hurt. I didn't want him to know yet. I'd tell him everything about me at one time. Then he'd have to decide if he still wanted the broken, messed up, confused, me, as a mate.

That left me, Zane, Mary and Jess. I pulled out my phone and called them. Mom picked up at the 5th ring.

"Hello? Alex, what's wrong? You never call." mom asked.

"Come home, now." I stated, angry.

"I can't just come home, right now. How dare you talk to me like that! I'm your mom!" she replied astonished.

"Yah, right! You are (not) my mom! I know for a fact now! You never acted like it and I know your not! Neither is John!" I yelled at her, angrily.

Mary, Zane and Jess looked at me in shock. They didn't know that I had figured it out.

"What?! We are your parents you will not treat me like that!" she said, outraged.

"Oh can it! I know! I'm a werewolf, and not the regular kind either! I'm blue and black for crying out loud!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

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