Chapter 32

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Colby's POV

6 hours

6 god damn hours.

He had to go through 4 surgeries to correct bones that had been broken and healed wrong. Too many stitches to count for his open wounds. His brand mark had become infected along with many other things.

It was a mess.

All the roommates were here with me. They tried to talk about random things to keep my mind off it but that didn't work.

"Cole Brock?" I heard a familiar voice call out. I immediately stood up and walked to the door where Dr. Johnson was standing with a clipboard.

"Hey, so he's going to be fine." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, " you're lucky you brought him in when you did because he was going into organ failure. you're going to have to be very gentle with him. We had to stitch up a lot of his wounds along with getting the infection out. I don't want him reopening those." I nodded as he continued.

"It seems as if he hasn't slept in weeks judging by the dark bags under his eyes. Sleep is vital for the healing process, he needs to sleep as much as he can." I nodded again.

"He's severely underweight, only weighing 73 pounds so I want you to start him on a specific diet to help him gain weight. But remember small portions, I don't want him to get sick. Also, he is extremely dehydrated, we had to put an IV in so we could start having him rehydrate." He paused before he continued.

"I'm worried about his mental health. He seems like he was abused very badly emotionally. Here let me show you something." He said as he walked into Sams room. He was still asleep, curled up into a little ball with a cast on his leg and arm.

The doctor then walked over and ran his hand gently through his tail. I watched as a huge clump of fur came out.

"That is caused by stress. The fact that he has this much fur comming out of his tail is just." He paused to collect himself, readjusting his glasses.

"I've never seen a werewolf this badly beaten, or this underweight." He looked at Sam sadly. "We thought that we could have him awake for you to come in but when he woke up he had a full blown out panic attack. We unfortunately had to put him back under but it's only a light dose so we can wake him up if you want?"

I nodded eagerly. I wanted to make sure everything was ok. Dr. Johnson called in a nurse who then gave Sam a shot.

It only took a few minutes before he groggily opened his eyes. But when he saw Dr. Johnson, his eyes snapped down as he curled into a small ball and started whimpering.

"Sam, deep breaths, you're ok." I said trying to calm him down, it didn't work. "Sammy, calm down." I tried again, reaching out to pet his ears but, as soon as I reached them he let out a high pitched whine and flinched back.

"Sammy, baby, you have to calm down. You're gunna reopen your stitches." I pleaded, voice cracking just a bit. He only panicked further. Finally, I took in a deep breath.

"Samuel." I said in a deep Stern tone. All shaking and sounds stopped. "Look at me." I said using the same tone. His eyes snapped up to look me in the eyes. It only took a second before recognition crossed his face.

"C-Colby?" He asked, seeming unsure if this was real. I nodded, kneeling down beside the bed. I could see the doctor and the nurse smiling out of the corner of my eye.

"We'll give you two some privacy. You can bring in your other friends if you want." He said walking out and shutting the door.

I turned my attention back to Sam to find him crying. I gently lifted his chin.

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