Chapter 62

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Jeremy's POV

"Can't wait to be an uncle!" Rone said to me as we were in our lounging room. I smiled "I know, it's crazy to think that my baby sister is gonna be a mom" I replied back. "Our sister" Rone said giving me a look. I laughed and nodded my head. "Yes our sister" I said to him. We both sat back and relaxed. Tonight is suppose to be a quiet night. Rone and Tonto were playing Call of duty while me and Boon were watching them. Jack walked into the room and sat with us. "Something don't feel right" he said. I wasn't the inky who had felt like this. I think I'm some way we all felt this way. Whether we wanted to admit it or not. "Yeah" we all said. And one by one we all went to our rooms. At first it was just me, Rone and Boon. Just sitting around when Rone asked Boon "You got anything for me?". They do this thing every day, Boon will tell Rone something from a book he is reading. "All the gods, all the heaven are within in" Boon read out. "Within me?" Rone asked. "With in you." Boon answered. Rone nodded his head "I'm gonna have to think about that" Rone replied. I gave them a heads up that I'll be heading to my room. I walked back to my room and took my shirt off. Getting ready to go to sleep. But for some reason I couldn't get comfortable. I grabbed my laptop and began to film a video.

"Hey Maddi, it's Jeremy here. I uh just wanted to make this video in case something happens to me. Things here have been off. It feels like we have been watched. I shouldn't say things in detail but I was chosen to come to this secretive outpost. I'm not in Iran, I'm Benghazi, Libya. I'm okay but something ain't right. But on the bright side, I come home in a week. And I was thinking, when I do come home. I'll be home for good. No longer traveling. Just me, you, and my future niece or nephew. And maybe I'll meet a someone, fall in love and have my own family. Then when our kids get older we could all go on a big family vacation. I just miss you baby sister. Can't wait to come home. And if I don't come home. Just know that I will forever still look over you. You have made me so proud. And I know you'll continue to make me proud no matter what. Mj, I know you'll probably having a rough time with this pregnancy. But just know that you'll be the best mom ever. Hopefully I'll be by your side and I'll get to meet my niece or nephew. And Mj, I know for sure you're having a boy. Don't ask me why or how I know. I just know. It's getting pretty late now. So I'm gonna got the sack now. I love you sis. Forever and always. Bye"

And with that I had ended the video and saved it to my documents. As I was setting my laptop down, I heard a loud explosion with gun shots following. I stood up and ran outside. I looked to my left and that's when I saw it. The compound, it's where other government officials were staying. It was up in flames. We were suppose to make sure they were protected. But they wanted us to have the day off. Then Rone and the other guys who were sent here came running back in. "Gear up. We gotta go" Rone said. Once we all got ready and loaded. Our chief told us we couldn't go. "Stand down. I need you to stand down!" Our chief yelled. As the minutes passed by, the shootings got louder. And then we got the call "Anex, If you don't come now, we're all going to die.". I watched as Rone held up the radio and looked directly at our chief. "Let's go now!" Rone said. We all piled into the cars and made our way to the compound. On our way there, we were blocked. Local militias and the enemies were in a shooting battle in the middle of the road. We got out of the cars and made our ways to the compound. It had to have been at least 20 to 30 minutes before we all made it.

(I based this chapter on 13 hours of Benghazi with my own little twist. But If you haven't watched it, do it now! It's a great movie and it's based on a true story.)

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