Chapter 69

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Hope you liked last chapter! Put a lot of brainwork into it! :D also, do know that changed iida being with bakugo from last chap. Sorreh.

The thing is; todoroki heard a lot of commotion from everywhere. A huge explosion that rang his ears, a door opening that sounded more louder than it needed to be, which he speculated was not a door but rather a wall. And that's not the end of it.

A lot of chit chattering, and a few shrill screams and continuous bangs on all the walls, making where he was hiding vibrate badly to the point his whole body felt numb, and with many other very, very odd occurrences that left him scratching his head like a confused ape.

But, he didn't realize problems were on the horizon.

As soon as the commotion seemed to stop, he heard a group of 3 people walking together, silently whispering.

The thing that alarmed todoroki was that he was able to hear the whispers, signifying they were much closer than he thought.

"Let's get started. It looks deserted." Iida peered inside to see nobody, and so he moved his hand back in fourth in a manner as in saying 'coasts clear, let's move on'.

And so, todoroki got a clear view of Ojiro, Uraraka, and Iida.

And by the looks of things, mainly how they silently grabbed a huge bag that already looked mildly stuffed, signified that they already managed to raid an area.

Yet, their clothes weren't dirty or torn, also implying that they didn't come into contact with anyone.

" Ok. Now we wait for hoe long exactly?" Ojiro asked, having stuffed the bag full.

" We must spend a minimum time of 10 minutes at the station our duffel bag gets full at, ao we still got some time. Just keep on guard for anybody to come out of these doors," Iida pointed to the two doors a person could enter through this little section in the far northeast of the military warehouse, brimmed with military stuff as expected.

"I only got 10 minutes to attack, and by the looks of things there's gonna be a lot more problems if I take long enough to get moving." He murmured to himself, before slowly placing his palm onto the floor, and started covering sheets of ice on it.

The three were watching outside of the little compartment for Intruders intruding on themselves, who were also Intruders which made no sense but I'll go along with it, which let todoroki easily slip a small, but very slippery layer of ice down that was sturdily formed.

And so, he started setting up ice traps with what he could use, like a weird machine that.. shot out knives for some reason.. and a thick rope.

And when he was done, roughly 7 minutes later, he went back into his hiding spot to immediately here the sound of slipping and a 'youch!' mere seconds later.

"Ojiro, you o- ow!" Uraraka came in and slipped into a trap, triggered by pulling on a string that caused an ice block to fall, but it sadly also landed on her shin, breaking it.

"AHH!" she shreiked in pain, Iida coming in at full force only to slip and break through the wall he was running at instead.

"Are you both okay?!" Iida looked at ojiro who only slipped, but uraraka had broken her shin badly and was wincing every second from the throbbing waves of pain.

"Who.. how.. todoroki."  Iida grimaced at the realization, and managed to help ojiro get the ice block off of her.

Suddenly, Iida felt ojiro slap his back harshly with his tail, and felt a blazing heat bounce off of something, and gave him warmth.

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