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𝗦𝘄𝗶𝗺𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗣𝗼𝗼𝗹

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𝗦𝘄𝗶𝗺𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗣𝗼𝗼𝗹

When Jughead had left, the three of us got to work. There was no time to be wasted on figuring out what he was thinking or planning. There were other priorities much more important than his poor leadership and indecisive ass.

I had sent Sweet Pea and Toni to go on a Pops run while I sent Blade, Marcus, Jade, and Quinn on a supply run for the week. I just hope it would be enough and that the Serpents knew how to control their portions and save rations.

We had all become invested that we didn't realize that it had gotten dark. Had we really spent all evening running around like this?

Hog Eye was kind enough to let us rest so I took the opportunity to have Toni fix up my arms and then take up an empty couch that had been forgotten in a far corner of the bar. I let out a hard and tired sigh as I threw myself on it.

The pain from the bruises had finally returned and the throbbing sensation in my arms had stopped thanks to Toni. My ribs however were killing me. I tried so hard to pretend I couldn't feel it but it was becoming harder as the seconds went by. Will I have to go to the hospital?

I was struggling to get comfortable on the couch when my phone vibrated. I groaned as I dug into my pockets and pulled it out, seeing that it was Jughead.

I laid there looking at his name on the screen and contemplated answering it. Oh, but I won't hear the last of him if I ignored him.

"Hey Jug." I finally answered.
"Hey, Rhinnie..." He sighed. I had this strange feeling take over me and I knew something was wrong with him.

"What's wrong?" I asked now. He chuckled.
"You're getting too good at that." He said. I chuckled this time.
"You know Jug, especially when you're mad at me, my psychic twin abilities are more heightened." I could feel him rolling his eyes at me right now. I took too much pride in our connection, but then again, I had the biggest pride in the world.

"So tell me dear brother, what's bugging you?" I asked again. He became quiet. Was it bad?
"I came home to dad drinking... he was also in his work uniform." He finally said. I raised a brow. That was bad.

"Drinking with his work clothes on? He wouldn't drink on the job unless he--." I stopped mid-sentence when it clicked.
"He got fired?" He was quiet again.

"I swear he had gone through at least five beers... I was so scared he was gonna turn back to his old self... I'm still scared now." There was a small break in his voice. My heart became heavy and I held onto my locket.

Unfortunately, Jughead had to go through dad's alcoholic phase alone. I know he must have gone through hell seeing dad waste himself like that, and seeing him like again must have brought those grim memories back. I'm so sorry Jughead.

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