Episode 4 : Protective Sister

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The next day, at the house of the Everdeens...... at the living room.......

Damien: (watches TV)
Saint: (nervous) (looks at his sling) (about to enter the living room) (peeks at Damien)
Damien: (looks at his watch) (in his mind) what time is it? I haven't seen Saint go out of his room?
Saint: (tiptoes in the living room) (his his sling)
Damien: (feels somebody walking) what are you hiding there?
Saint: (stops) (nervous) nothing dad... I have to go....
Damien: (stands up) (walks to Saint) (sees the sling) son?! what the.... what happened to you?
Saint: (looks at his sling) (feels sad)
Damien: why are you hiding this from me? who did this to you?
Saint: it was an accident......
Damien: if it was an accident, why didn't you tell me? you are hiding this like it means something more..... you lying?
Saint: no dad! this is a big accident, I slipped in the restroom of our school.... that is all......
Damien: are you sure no one is bullying you?
Saint: (shakes his head) no dad.... I have to go... (continues to walk)
Damien: (watches Saint leave)
Saint: (looks at Damien) (continues to leave)

At school, Harley, Santi and Sabrina are already at the hallway hanging out.....

Sabrina: guys... I am sorry for not hanging out with you yesterday......
Harley: it is okay Sab... but I am curious why you weren't around?
Sabrina: do you want the honest one or another reason?
Harley: can I say both?
Santi: (sees Geo and Travis coming) hey Geo! Hey Travis!
*Geo and Travis arrives*
Sabrina: (angrily stares at Geo)
Geo: (looks at Sabrina) okay Sabrina.... I apologize.....
Harley: wait.... you two were in a misunderstanding? am I right?
Sabrina: (rolls her eyes away)
Travis: it was a small problem..... nothing to worry about.....
Sabrina: small your ass! (rolls her eyes)
Harley: you guys are getting to my nerves..... I wanna know the reason.....
Sabrina: why not ask Geo..... he is always the one who makes the final decision in our actions....
Geo: (turns serious)
Harley: wait is it Geo? (looks at Geo)
Geo: (looks at Travis)
Travis: (shrugs)
Geo: it is just.....
*Saint passes the hallway*
Saint: (secretly sees Harley) (immediately walks straightly) (left)
Harley: (sees Saint) I am still wondering how he broke his arm.... and why his news not circulating in the whole campus if it was an accident......
Geo: you know what Harley..... I am going to be honest, you have to avoid that guy..... as in, it is a must......
Harley: and give me a reason why I must follow your rules.....
Geo: isn't it all obvious?
Harley: (angry) it is not obvious Geo...... I don't see him the way you think of him.... and that is not the issue, I will let that pass.... the issue here is, who are you to stop me from being friends with anybody?
Geo: Harley.....
Harley: oh.... cause you are a son of the mayor? you are a genius? you are high class which makes you automatically right and correct?
Geo: Harley.... you don't understand me...
Harley: yeah! correct Geo.... I cannot understand you.... I cannot understand why you hate him....
Geo: (angry) (screams) cause he is a big ass son of the criminal!
Harley: (nods) (rolls his eyes) yeah.... I could've considered that a fact.... but..... you didn't have to put the big ass part...... you are just a big ass person to me.... (left)
Geo: wait Harley!!!
Sabrina: Santi... lets follow him.... (left)
Santi: (looks at Geo)
Geo: (looks at Santi)
Santi: (follows Sabrina) (left)
Geo: (feels very angry) fuck!!!!
Travis: (pats Geo) Geo... calm down.....

As recess comes, Harley refused to spend time with Geo and tried to find his sister Kacey with Sabrina and Santi....... At the Sophomores' building...... at the lobby.....

Kacey: oh hi little bro..... what brings you and your friends here?
Harley: (hugs Kacey tightly)
Sabrina: him and Geo got into a huge misunderstanding.......
Kacey: not new..... there are some instances that he is very annoying......
Sabrina: very controlling......
Santi: he went here to find company with you.... (pats Harley)
Kacey: well.... I am open all the time.... sure....
Sabrina: I got to spend my time alone too because of the same reason......
Santi: will you always be mad at Geo, Harley?
Harley: no Santi.... I just nees to calm down..... and spending time alone is effective.... Sabrina is right...

After a few periods, it is now dismissal...... at the hallway, Kacey got to see Geo.....

Geo: (fixes his locker)
Kacey: (sees Geo)
Geo: (sees Kacey) hey Kacey.....
Kacey: (looks angrily at Geo) you have rights to talk to me after hurting my brother?
Geo: Kacey..... first, I didn't hurt him, I am just stating facts and protecting him...... and second, I have freedom of expression....
Kacey: Geo..... first, you are pressuring him so much and second, you do not have to take things literal...... you know, I rather shut up than to pressure as a form of care....
Geo: but okay okay... where is he? I want to apologize....
Kacey: give him time Geo..... just because you get things easily, you could make him okay after what you did just easily.....
Geo: (feels sad) I understand....
Kacey: and... why do you act like you own him? do you like him?
Geo: (nervous)
Kacey: if you want to be liked back.... and if you want to have my brother, change yourself first..... (leaving)
Geo: I do not like you brother....
Kacey: then its better..... you must change your ways as a friend to him.. act as a supportive friend..... I don't like you for him anyway! (left)
Geo: (feels sad)

At the bus stop..... Kacey notices Saint about to enter the bus....

Kacey: (walks to the bus stop)
Saint: (sees Kacey looking at him) (enters the bus)
*the bus left*
Kacey: (in his mind) I feel bad and pity him so much.... he doesn't deserve all of this.....

We got to see Kacey more in this episode... in fact, she is my favorite supporting character here....

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