Episode 41 : Alone And Depressed

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It is the final week of promoting the candidates for the upcoming elections and at the Stone's residence, the Stone family together with Saint were having a very quiet breakfast.....

Harley: (stares sadly at nothing)
Kacey: (taps Saint) Saint? (whispers) do you know what is wrong with Harley???
Saint: (shrugs) I do not know... should I ask him???
Kacey: of course.. he is your boyfriend... why wouldn't you????
Harley: (takes a deep breath) (hears Kacey) I hear you guys and I am admitting that I am not okay... okay???
Mr. Stone: why son??? you can tell us....
Harley: they way Santi has been ignoring me since he was dragged away from our home... and Geo securing him against us... it doesn't look good to me.....
Mrs. Stone: what do you want us to do son???
Harley: that is the point mom, we cannot do anything because they are... (tears falls to his face) they are just too powerful.... and Santi, he does not deserve to be stuck in the middle of his father's sins.... I cannot believe Santi would avoid me....
Kacey: (looks down sadly) we feel the loss of a friend ignoring you.....
Saint: (holds Harley) Harley....
Harley: (stands up) I can... (takes a deep breath) I will be okay anyway... I am just worried but its natural cause we cannot be okay... okay??? (left)
Saint: (looks down sadly) you guys know what, I really think I am still the reason why your life suddenly became miserable... it should only be me having this life...
Kacey: Saint, our lives are coincidentically connected by our past.... so there is no way that you caused this.... this happened because no secret can be hidden forever.....
*everyone looks serious and agrees with each other*
Saint: I hope Harley is okay... I am worried.....

It is now afternoon, in school, Saint was at the cafeteria eating together Avril, Macky and William......

William: no Santi for weeks and no Harley now??? I have a feeling that we are starting to break apart.....
Saint: I do not really think this is breaking apart... more like, Santi is now forbidden to be with us cause Geo will tell his father if he hangs out with us and Saint.... (takes a deep breath) I am really feeling bad for my boyfriend...... I wanna help Santi and Harley but I am Geo's target...
Avril: ugh.... Saint, I do not wanna interrupt your storytelling but this is the last week of promoting.... we will have a busy saturday but it has not been announced what will happen in that day... what we know is, the announce of winners will happen in monday and friday will be the voting time.....
William: I heard that saturday is something like... a welcome speech that will be posted online to whoever wins the elections.....
Saint: thank you for informing me Avril and William but... the welcome speech is unnecessary.... as time goes by, I keep hating politics more and more and I rather be a normal citizen....
William: we all want to be Saint, and we all want to be as innocent from the law as possible.....
Saint: but sadly the crimes happening in this country are made and started by the politicians itself.....
Avril: a sad truth Saint.. a very sad truth.....
Saint: I hope Harley is going to be okay.... I wonder where he is......

It is now dismissal, at the bus stop, Saint was there all alone without Harley....

Saint: (looks around) (feels sad)
William: (approaches Saint) bro! Saint...
Saint: hi William.. why?
William: still no boyfriend with you???
Saint: (looks down sadly) (shakes his head) he wanted to be alone the whole day... I wanna give him that but I cannot help but worry...
William: (looks down sadly) bro... do not lose faith of Harley okay... and do not lose faith on yourself, we can all succeed in this challenge... I assure all of us peace at the end.....
Saint: (hugs William softly) I appreciate that bro... thank you...
William: and do you need a walk buddy home??
Saint: (shakes his head) I will be fine....
William: sure bro.. take care okay???
Saint: take care... (smiles)
William: (left)
Saint: (looks around) (takes a deep breath) (feels sad)

As Saint goes home, he meets his father inside the living room who seems to be doing something illegal... on the hallway...

Saint: (coughs hardly) (sees a huge smoke) (covers his nose) (in his mind) what the fuck is this smell??? (covers his nose and mouth with a cloth) (enters the living room)
Damien: (smokes marijuana and takes drugs)
Saint: (eyes widens at Damien) father??? what are you... what are you doing?!! (walks to Damien) (grabs the drugs) drugs???! (screams)
Damien: (runs and pick up the drugs) son, this is mine.. what are you doing?
Saint: (sees a huge bag of marijuana) and marijuana?? this is what you have been doing while I am away???!
Damien: (screams) (cries) son... I am only doing this to save me!
Saint: you are not saving anything sad for fuck's sake!! (throws the stuffs on the table) I thought you were clean and I am efforting here to prove you innocent on your accusations but fuck this!! you are not fucking helping!!
Damien: (keeps crying) proving me innocent?? in what?!
Saint: you are fucking out of your mind dad! (screams) (about to leave) (hardly crying) this is so fucking heartbreaking to see and I feel like a shit!
Damien: (crawls to Saint) Saint.. I am sorry! (keeps crying) I am sorry...
Saint: do not touch me dad! never do!! (runs away) (left)
Damien: Saint! (keeps crying)

At Saint's bedroom.....

Saint: (enters and shuts the door) fuck!! (throws his bag on the mirror) why am I deserving of this life!!!
*the mirror breaks*
Saint: (slams himself to the bed) (punches the pillow) fuck!!!!! (screams angrily) I never want to deserve this!! but why am I deserving this type of life??!!! why me!! why am I unlucky!!

First episode is already heartbreaking... is this foreshadowing how the whole season would be? tune in!!

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