Episode 40 : Forbidden Love

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Back at the mansion of the Harvards, at the bedroom of Sabrina......

Travis: (looks around)
Sabrina: (brings a tray of foods)
Travis: (looks at Sabrina) hey! what is that for??
Sabrina: well..... (puts down the tray of foods on the bed) you are here anyway no matter what happens..... (sits next to Travis) I cannot do anything but to welcome you here.....
Travis: (looks serious at Sabrina) why are you looking like you are forced???
Sabrina: (looks down sadly) Travis.... I just gave you food... please do not take everything seriously....
Travis: (takes a deep breath) okay.... can you please talk to me straight..... why are you acting like everything is forced?? did you know that you are making me look like a fool!!?
Sabrina: (feels annoyed) (looks at Travis) what the hell Travis! why do I have to explain everything to you!!!
Travis: (screams) just tell me the truth Sabrina!! do you hate me or do you love me!!? (crying) (throws the glass of juice away) (feels angry)
*the glass of juice breaks on the ground*
Sabrina: (cries) (jumps away from Travis) oh my God!! (looks at the broken glass)
Travis: (stares nervously at the broken glass) (catches his breath) (looks at Sabrina)
Sabrina: (feels scared) (looks at Travis)
Travis: I.... ugh.... (feels nervous) (moves close to Sabrina) I am sorry.... I didn't mean to.....
Sabrina: why are you like this Travis???
Travis: (feels sad) I am really sorry..... (holds Sabrina's hand) I just can't..... I just cannot control myself when I am with you...
Sabrina: (looks at Travis)
Travis: but this proves that I really do like you! that I will do everything for you! (cries hard) Sabrina..... I have been waiting for you for about a year already and..... I already have known you.... I also want to be with you for the rest of my life!
Sabrina: (feels sad) I also want to be with you because you are my only hope..... but I am scared of how you act..... if only I can ask you a favor to change.... change just this!
Travis: (looks at Sabrina) I will.... (sits next to Sabrina) I will, just for you! for us... just to prove you more that we are worthy for one another....
Sabrina: promise me that you will not do anything bad??? you will never get mad??
Travis: Sabrina... of course, I have to, especially to those people who are harming you....
Sabrina: (shakes her head) Travis.... please.... for me!
Travis: (looks at Sabrina)
Sabrina: (crawls to Travis) (hugs Travis) I am also sorry too.... for being scared.....
Travis: (kisses Sabrina's forehead) it is okay... I forgive you!!

It is now getting dark, at the Stone residence, Saint and Harley were still at the hanging couch at their backyard porch.....

Harley: (yawns) (wakes up) (looks at the sky) (in his mind) damn.... it is getting dark already....... (looks at Saint)
Saint: (hugs Harley tightly) (sleeping)
Harley: (touches and rubs Saint's cheeks) baby.....
Saint: (keeps sleeping)
Harley: (kisses Saint's cheeks) baby???
Saint: (wakes up) huh baby?? why??
Harley: it is getting dark.... we should go inside now..... mosquitoes might bite us!
Saint: I love a very caring king! (pinches Harley's cheeks)
Kacey: (approaches Saint and Harley) hey you two....
Harley: (looks at Kacey) what is it Kacey?
Kacey: I just wanna check on you two especially that its dark! you guys have been sleeping for the whole day.....
Harley: (stands up) yeah... hahaha! (smiles down)
Saint: well... we all know what's happening with our lives right now.... and me and Harley didn't have personal time with each other because we were all busy.....
Kacey: (smiles) well, I am so happy that you guys are doing this...... you shouldn't have focused too much on this although its so important.....
Saint: that is why we have to finish this as soon as possible..... (smiles) so that everything will be peaceful again......
Kacey: but will it be that easy?
Harley: (looks at Saint) will everything turn back to normal after this??
Saint: lets just say, embrace whatever the change is.... as long as nothing is keeping us apart.....
Harley: (hugs Saint) (smiles) nothing will ever keep us apart......
Saint: (hugs Harley back)

Back at the mansion of th Harvard, at the bedroom of Sabrina.....

Sabrina: (sleeping on Travis' chest)
Travis: (sleeping)
Mr. Harvard: (enters the room) (sees Travis and Sabrina sleeping together) what the hell is happening here!! (screams)
Mrs. Harvard: (enters the room) oh my God!! Sabrina!! (feels worried)
Sabrina: huh??? (stands up) (looks at her parents) mom??? dad?? (feels worried)
Mr. Harvard: (points Travis) I told you to not bring this bastard remember??
Sarina: (taps Travis) Travis!! wake up!! (feels nervous)
Travis: huh??? what is happening babe?? (about to kiss Sabrina)
Mr. Harvard: (drags Travis away from Sabrina) I told you to stay away from my daughter remember???
Travis: (looks at Mr. Harvard) huh??? (eyes widens at Mr. Harvard)
Sabrina: (stands up) dad!! do not harm him please!!!
Mr. Harvard: (points Sabrina) and you! you were told to stay away from this bastard!!
Travis: (struggles to escape) get off of me! (feels angry) I am not doing anything bad!!!
Mr. Harvard: (drags Travis away from the bedroom) yes you are!! (screams) you have no respect huh????
*Travis and Mr. Harvard left*
Mrs. Harvard: how dare you disrespect us Sabrina!
Sabrina: dad!! please... (crying) I am begging you! do not do that to him!! (follows Mr. Harvard) (cries hard)
Mrs. Harvard: Sabrina!!

At the front porch of the house....

Mr. Harvard: (opens the door) (throws away Travis out of the house)
Travis: (rolls down the stairs) (feels pain) (forehead starts bleeding)
Sabrina: (about to approach Mr. Harvard) Travis!!
Mr. Harvard: do not dare approach him or else, I will throw you out too!!
Travis: (feels pain) (touches his bleeding head) why are you all hating on me!! (cries hard)
Mr. Harvard: because you are no good for me daughter!!!
Sabrina: dad! he is nice!!
Mrs. Harvard: (approaches Sabrina) he is not!!!! he is not Harley!
Sabrina: (cries) do not compare him to Harley because he never replaced me with anybody!!
Travis: Sabrina!! fight for me please!!
Mr. Harvard: silence!! (screams) (looks at Sabrina) I will let you choose Sabrina!! you stay or you live with him!!
Travis: come with me Sabrina!! we will live together away from people forbidding our love!
Sabrina: (looks down sadly)
Travis: Sabrina... cmon, fight for me! I always did fight for you....
Sabrina: Travis.... protect yourself please... just leave!
Travis: what??? you are letting me leave??
Sabrina: just leave please.... I am doing this on behalf of us!
Travis: Sabrina... I thought we are now okay! I am changing!
Mrs. Harvard: see! you are bad for my daughter!
Travis: Sabrina.... (looks sadly at Sabrina)
Sabrina: Travis.... (wipes her tears) leave okay??? (enters the house) (left)
Mr. Harvard: (looks at Travis) see..... she wants you to leave her alone!
Travis: she will find a way for us to be together... I will promise you that!
Mr. Harvard: no.... she will eventually understand us! and she will never going to love you again.....
Travis: then I will find a way to keep us together! I will! (stares angrily at Mr. Harvard) I will not give up on us!
Mr. Harvard: lets just leave him alone hon... we are just wasting our time on him! (enters the room) (left)
Travis: Mrs. Harvard... (feels sad) can I prove myself please... give me a chance!
Mrs. Harvard: be like Harley! (enters the room) (left) (closes the door)
Travis: (screams very loud) Sabrina!!!!!!!!! (feels angry) (in his mind) I will make sure Harley will get what he deserves!!!!! I will!!

At the bedroom of Sabrina.....

Sabrina: (locks her door) (falls on the ground) (cries hard) Travis!!!!! I am so sorry!!

What do you think of the whole season! Be ready for the final season of Son of the Criminal..... let us solve everything together....

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