Episode 48 : Another Threat Coming

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It is now a late saturday morning, at Geo's personal mansion, Travis and Geo were playing video games before going to school.....

Travis: (shakes his hands) (plays with a controller) (feels conscience) man, do you still wanna let me attend class with me???
Geo: (rolls his eyes) Travis... you have been going back and forth yesterday and now, you do not want to support me on my welcoming video? I will win right????
Travis: but technically....
Geo: (cuts off Travis) and Sabrina, we have to check on your girl because her house was burned and her parents are are also in a bad condition......
Travis: (looks away) I do not care, she deserves that for dumping me.....
Geo: deserve? (looks questioning at Travis) wait.... did you do something about Sabrina? are you... behind the fires???
Travis: what?! (feels nervous) I do not know what you are talking about... I just do not care... (stands up)
Geo: cause I remember joking about fires when I suggested how you must get Sabrina.... and look what happened..
Travis: (about to leave) I will just go home and dress for school okay???
Geo: I also want you to check on the standings so I can be sure that I will win... sneak up on it....
Travis: (looks nervous at Geo) (nods) (left)
Geo: (in his mind) Travis.... I know you are behind that, now I know your flaws and crimes, never back out from me or else I will take you to hell..... (stares seriously at Travis leaving)

At the school's lobby, William, Macky, Saint and Harley just got there to prepare for the welcome video later.....

Macky: (looks around) so the other positions in this school's election are competitive... I didn't know who I voted for the other positions....
Harley: (looks down sadly) I cannot believe how much Sabrina got..... she does not deserve any of whoever did that to her and... who the hell would do such a big crime like that... they must go to jail.....
Saint: I know but while that killer is out.... we have no sureness that Sabrina is okay.. we have to look out for her..
Harley: it is our responsibility... I know.....
William: so... where will we start preparing? are we going to start preparing ourselves for the personal welcome video???
Macky: I still think this is so unnecessary...
Harley: so true... our school is trying hard to look cool...
Avril: (approaches everyone) hey guys... (hugs William) hey love...
William: oh hi Avril! why you left Harley's home early?
Avril: I am in charge of these people..... you guys, I am in charge of when you guys must start filming yourself...
Saint: really??? so... when must we start filming our welcome video....
Harley: and is this really necessary?
Avril: I know this sounds stupid and a waste of time especially if you will not win but.... (shrugs) school's order...
Macky: and these other candidates are also bored of being here in a saturday almost noon..
Avril: yeah... and since they went here first, you guys will go last again for today....
Saint: what???
Student #1: Avril!! (calls out Avril) we need you to make up these other girls...
Avril: (rolls her eyes) oh my god... see, I am also busy with these girls who does not know how to do beauty... see you all later afternoon.....
William: see you love... (hugs Avril)
Avril: sure... (left)
Harley: so.... where is Sabrina anyway??
Saint: I think she is still in charge of the counting.... and Kacey is assisting and guarding her......
Harley: I hope Sabrina is okay.... I have not talk to him yet....
Saint: (nods) (feels sad)

At the voting room of the school, Kacey was there guarding Sabrina who is still in charge of the results with the other students...

Kacey: (looks at the chart) our school really has a big population of students huh???
Sabrina: (nods) and the computer cannot even do the work fast as what everyone expected to.....
Kacey: (sees William leading the votings and followed by Saint) amd I am amazed how close William and Saint's vote are... unexpected.... and Geo is down at the last or 3rd place..
Sabrina: William really has a big influence on the other buildings of the school and Saint being friends with William made such alliance.... look how they are together..
Kacey: at least, this is a sure win for both people that we must trust.....
Sabrina: (nods) (looks at Kacey) Kacey, thank you for being here with me huh? you do not have to but you are still here.....
Kacey: it is fine Sabrina.... (smiles) will always be fine....
Travis: (enters the room) (looks at the current standings) (in his mind) oh my God! (sees Geo on the last place) this is a bad thing to do....
Sabrina: (sees Travis) wait... what is he doing here? (feels angry)
*everyone looks at Travis*
Travis: (sees Sabrina angrily looking at her) (feels nervous) (immediately left)
Kacey: (pats Sabrina's back) (whispers) do not rage in anger yet... let him be scared for a while..... we all know he is getting bugged by his own conscience....
Sabrina: (clenches her fist) I hope this haunts him all the time.... he must be......

At the hallway, Geo and Santi were hanging out together....

Santi: (leans on the lockers) (looks down seriously) (looks annoyed at Geo eating a burger)
Geo: (eating a burger) (notices Santi looking at him) what are you looking at?
Santi: (rolls his eyes) (looks away)
Travis: (approaches Geo) Geo... I am back....
Geo: so what is the news? did I do great in the voting???
Travis: (looks nervous at Geo) honestly.... no... (shakes his head) no you did not... you are losing...
Geo: (screams angrily) what?!! fuck it!! (throws his burger in the trashcan) (screams angrily) they do not deserve the success that they have.... I have to do something to it...
Travis: we cannot..
Geo: then I have to do something to them! I do not care... (raging in anger) (left)
Travis: wait Geo! (left)
Santi: (looks worried) (watches Geo and Travis leaving) (in his mind) William and Saint are in trouble... what will they do??! I have to be prepared if I will get exposed by their crimes... I have to film it to keep me safe!

This is getting suspenseful! Another terror will start but this time, its Geo... what will he do????

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