Episode 55 : Don't Get Caught

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At the school's restroom, Saint and Santi were still there hiding.....

Saint: (looks at his watch) so...there is no way for us to go out?
Santi: (shakes his head) I should contact your boyfriend right now..... he has been worried about you... he can get you here as soon as possible......
Saint: but aren't we bringing him to danger as you say that Geo is here? I do not want to him to get hurt....
Santi: no one will get hurt Saint... just trust me, I am keeping up with every one of you lately so I know what I am doing.... (grabs and opens his phone) (contacts Harley)
Saint: (looks at Santi)

Back at the hospital, William, Macky, Avril and Harley were still there watching Travis getting arrested.....

Avril: (hugs William) (feels worried) did he hurt you much more???
William: (shakes his head) no, in fact, this made me a little much stronger compare to when Geo attacked me.....
*the police holding Travis approaches Harley and the others*
Police: here is the criminal trying to attack you right William???
William: yes sir.... thank God you did not let him escape the hospital or else he will cause huge trouble... 
Travis: (stares angrily to Harley) you are all the reason why this happened to us! nothing like this would have happened if you were such a good friend Harley..... this is all your mess, all your fucking mess! (screams angrily)
Macky: (screams angrily) do not dare to blame all of the mess to any of us or Harley.... you made things happened.... (points Travis angrily) you even killed Sabrina's parente right????
Travis: (screams angrily) you have the audacity to say that after you stabbed me with a key?!! (shakes himself) why aren't you arresting him? he also attacked me.....
Avril: (slaps Travis) he did that to protect himself... if he did not do that, you could have killed Macky instead......
*Sabrina and Kacey approaches everyone*
Kacey: what happened here? we heard the news???
Sabrina: (eyes widens at Travis) you fucking asshole!! (feels angry) (cries hard)
Travis: (tears falls on his face) Sabrina....
Sabrina: (pulls Travis' hair angrily) (keeps punching Travis' chest) you fucking deserve to be jailed.... you fucking deserve everything in hell after killing my parents.... you are such a demon!! you are the definition of a criminal!!!! (punches Travis' stomach) you are a criminal!!!
Travis: (feels pain) (screams in pain) (about to attack Sabrina) that fucking hurts!! you did do your promises to me like what I did to you... I thought you love me!!
Kacey: (holds and pulls Sabrina away) stay away from her.....
Sabrina: and I love me more... I love my parents more than you and I love people who cares for me in a good way and not destroy me more.... (punches Travis' stomach) (cries hardly)
Travis: (screams in pain) fuck!!! (struggles to escape) I will not let you all live in peace....
William: you can now throw him away sir... we do not need a criminal in this place....
Police: (nods) okay William... (drags Travis' away) just call us again if you need any help again.....
Travis: (stares angrily at everybody) I will come for you all soon!!! this is not the last time I will be here!!! not the last time!!!! (screams hardly)
*the police and Travis left*
Sabrina: glad he is gone...
Harley: finally, one down..... one to go.....
Kacey: if we take the one down, his father will come for us.....
Avril: then we have to take down the mayor too???
Harley: lets just let the karma tear him down.....
*Harley's phone keeps ringing*
Macky: Harley... I think your phone has been ringing...
Harley: wait... really? (grabs and looks at his phone) (sees a call from Santi) wait... it is Santi.....
Kacey: answer it....
Harley: I will.... (answers call) hello Santi??? glad you are talking to me....
Santi: (on the line) I am also glad Harley... what took you too long to be here???
Harley: Travis almost attacked William and Macky again here in the hospital but they fought back and put Travis in jail.... 
Santi: that is a great news... I also have a great news for you.....
Harley: what?
Santi: Saint is here with me in school... he was finding you here.....
Harley: Saint is now there?
Saint: (talks to Harley) (on the line) Harley, yes it is me.... your boyfriend... I am sorry if I have been gone for a long time....
Harley: oh God.... Saint, glad you are here....
Santi: but Harley... you have to take him out of here cause Geo is here... he might harm your boyfriend or... he might accuse and trap Saint here......
Harley: (nods) I will..... I will be there soon...
Santi: hurry Harley... the more early the better....
Harley: okay okay... (ends call)
Sabrina: what did he say?
Harley: Saint is now in school and I have to take him out because Geo is also in school.....
William: take my car Harley.... so that you guys can escape easily in case Geo chases you two....
Macky: I will lead you Harley...
Harley: thank you guys.... I will go now as fast as possible...
Avril: goodluck Harley.....
Macky: lets go Harley..... (left)
Harley: (nods) (follows Macky) (left)
Avril: I hope they can finally finish all of these.....
Sabrina: I am rooting for them....
Kacey: (nods sadly) they really have to... for all of our safety......

Back at the school..... at the entrance, Santi and Saint were about to leave.....

Santi: (keeps looking around) (feels nervous) no sign of Geo.... lets meet Harley near the parking lot or entrance...
Saint: (nods) lets go!!
Geo: (walks to the entrance) (looks seriously at Saint and Santi) where do you think you two are going??? you think I cannot see you two escape????
Santi: (eyes widens at Geo) Geo?? why are you here???
Geo: why are you helping him???
Saint: (stares angrily at Geo)

Last 5 episodes of the story..... I will miss this story although it is a bit messy... tune in cause the final episodes will be the blast of all the blast.... who will die??? as the case closes... who will they lose???

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