Episode 10 : Hiding In The Garden

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The next day, at the Stone residence...... At the dining room......

Harley: (eating) (smiling)
Mrs. Stone: (looks at Mr. Stone) (taps Mr. Stone)
Mr. Stone: (looks at Mrs. Stone) (eyes widens at Mrs. Stone)
Mrs. Stone: (points at Harley)
Mr. Stone: (looks at Harley)
Kacey: (looks at Mr. and Mrs. Stone) (feels weird) mom? dad? what are you two talking about?
Harley: (looks at Mr. and Mrs. Stone)
Mrs. Stone: Harley, son? you seem so extra today?
Harley: what do you mean?
Mr. Stone: your smile is not as usual....
Harley: why mom? am I a depressed kid? is there something different from my smile?
Kacey: in other terms, what our parents mean is.... there is a reason behind your smile..... and I think I know who is the reason behind that smile?
Harley: (clenches his jaw on Kacey) hey! I don't have anybody beside Geo, Sabrina, Santi and Travis....
Kacey: (puppy faces) aww, you are purely nice to Saint but you are denying him??
Mr. Stone: who is Saint?
Harley: (looks down)
Kacey: well, Saint is the one Harley was talking about..... the kid who gets bullied all the time because his father is a criminal.....
Harley: (looks angrily at Kacey) hey! stop saying that.....
Mrs. Stone: wow! you really had the strength to approach the guy huh??
Harley: mom... it doesn't mean something...
Mrs. Stone: son, do not over react... hahaha... you are making yourself look like you are lying.....
Kacey: you two were sweet yesterday at the library huh? reviewing each other......
Mr. Stone: that is cool.... my son has a boyfriend already...
Harley: (screams) dad, he is not a boyfriend of mine....
Mr. Stone: okay.... you are not chill anymore.... we will stop....
Mrs. Stone: but remember Harley.... do not deny what you feel..... you haven't asked us yet but we accept whoever you love....
Mr. Stone: your mom is right.... whether it is a boy or a girl.... as long as you can love and you will be loved back enough.... we are happy for you.....
Harley: yeah mom and dad.... (returns eating) thank you for the advice that I do not think I need.....
Kacey: (albows) lets have a bet..... you will treat me in McDonalds for 3 days if you fall in love with Saint.....
Harley: (looks at Kacey) (glares at Kacey) fine... and if I will not..... (thinks of something) if I will not.... ugh....
Kacey: you can't think of any because you really wanna fall for...
Harley: (cuts off Kacey) whatever, whatever Kacey... if I not fall in love, you owe me a new pair of shoes....
Kacey: sure.... you know what... if you fall in love with him, you will treat me and I will also give you two pair of shoes.....
Harley: what the heck.... you are really pushing me to him huh?
Kacey: at least not on that Geo... ugh..... (rolls her eyes)
Mrs. Stone: hey Kacey... stop being shady...
Kacey: just stating a fact....

After the fun talk with the family, the siblings raced to school and went straight with their exams..... after a few periods, it is now recess...... Harley and Saint are now spending time on the garden of the school......

Harley: (looks around)
Saint: (approaches Harley) hey Harley...... nice to see you today.....
Harley: another hoodie huh?
Saint: well.... I wanna prove you that you were not discouraging me yesterday from wearing this..... then I'm claiming this.....
Harley: (looks around) (smiles) well, I haven't been so much in these garden before.....
Saint: me too.... this garden is where people who dates gathers.... (sees some couples kissing)
Harley: (blushes) (looks around) (sees some couples kissing)
Saint: (sits on the bench) well, those people seems lucky huh?
Harley: they are just in love.... how are they so lucky?
Saint: that is the point.... love.... to be cared..... love doesn't mean it has to be intimate, it is only an addition.... but for me, love is when somebody cares and that is what I envy..... that some people are cared......
Harley: hey Saint.... I care for you.... (smiles)
Saint: (shrugs)
Harley: I mean it... (holds Saint's hand) I do legitimately care for you......
Saint: you just knew me....
Harley: and I don't wanna stop knowing you.....
Saint: (secretly blushes)
Harley: (looks at Saint's sling) is your hand okay?
Saint: oh... this? (looks at Saint's sling) I never checked on this but..... I do not know..... I feel that I am okay now....
Harley: wanna remove it?
Saint: sure.... (removes the sling slowly)
Harley: (helps Saint removes the sling form his arm)
Saint: (removes the bandages from his arm) (tries to move his arm) it is okay... it was a right decision Harley...
Harley: (smiles) I am glad you are now okay....
Saint: (holds Harley's hand) me too.... I am glad I am now a little bit okay.....
Harley: (looks at Saint holding his hand) (feels his heart pounding faster) (in his mind) why is my heart beating faster? (nervous) why am I feeling like this?
Saint: is there something wrong Harley? are you okay??
Harley: (hugs Saint tightly)
Saint: (eyes widens at Harley) (nervous) (looks around)
Harley: (closes his eyes) (in his mind) why does this feel so right?
Saint: (looks at Harley)
Harley: (stops hugging Saint) (scratches his head) I am sorry..... I easily feel company with people I know.....
Saint: (hugs Harley very tight)
Harley: (smiles down)
Saint: thanks for being here Harley..... I don't wanna be greedy but do not leave me alone please.... (closes his eyes) (holds back his tears)
Harley: (smiles) I won't Saint..... I will always be here..... (hugs Saint)
Santi: (peeks at Harley and Saint) (eyes widens) (in his mind) why are they here at a dating spot? why are they hugging?

And so it goes, as night comes at the Everdeen's, Saint was about to sleep.....at his bedroom.....

Saint: (in his mind) (looks at the cieling) (smiles) is this right to feel something like this? do I even like Harley already? (takes a deep breath) should I ask him out now? should I not go for the only person who cares for me??

This was a sweet episode...... the week isn't yet over.... I am so ready for these two to admit what they feel because they seem to like each other already.....

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