Episode 23 : Facing Rivals

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It is now a Wednesday morning, at the Stone residence, Saint stayed and slept there the whole night and he was the first one to wake up today to prepare for the candidate presentation in school...... at the dining area.......

Saint: (fixes the dining table) (smiles)
*Mr. And Mrs. Stone enters the room*
Mr. Stone: (sees Saint preparing the breakfast) wait.... what is happening here Saint? (smiles)
Mrs. Stone: oh God! (walks and smells the food) you cooked for us Saint??? you could have told us so that we helped you with the food.....
Mr. Stone: I do not really care about anything but I am sure that these foods are delicious as hell, Saint!
Mrs. Stone: (elbows Mr. Stone) hey stop there hon, we should be the one ashamed because he cooked for us!
Saint: (listens to Mr. and Mrs. Stone) well, I really insisted myself to cook for everyone today.... since your family is really special to me and I really have a big day going on today, this is my little way of celebrating it.....
*Kacey and Harley enters the room*
Kacey: (sees the food) oh my God! (runs to the table) why are there a lot of food in the table???
Saint: (shrugs) I do not know Kacey! somebody told me to wake up early because she will be fixing my appearance for today but it turns out, I made breakfast instead....
Kacey: fine!! my bad! you do not have to brag about it.....  (rolls her eyes)
Harley: you did these Saint??? (feels surprised) (smiles down) this looks so good....
Saint: well guys..... start eating..... there's still a lot of things to do!! (puts some rice and steak on a plate) here Harley!! (gives the food to Harley) I hope you liked it....
Harley: (looks at the food) (smiles) you are really something Saint.... I didn't really know you are a professional chef.....
Saint: (winks at Harley) (hugs Harley)

While the Stone residence were eating breakfast, at the parking lot of the school, Geo, Travis and Santi were getting ready for the presentation of candidates.......

Santi: (looks at his camera)
Travis: so Geo??? are you ready for the big day???
Geo: Travis..... today is nothing different compare to the other days because I always expected myself to lead the school...
Travis: (smiles) and finally, you are.....
Geo: I know right.... that Saint does not have a chance on me even a little.....
Travis: by the way Geo, do you still have a muse that will support you in presentation???
Santi: (looks at Geo) yeah Geo..... Saint has Kacey and.... William has his girlfriend.....
Geo: (laughs) hahaha..... do I need a muse???
Travis: we can have one..... we have Sabrina remember??
Geo: but the question is..... will Sabrina accept the offer???
Travis: (looks at Santi) she barely hates me for nothing right but she is still our friend.... she will support us....
Santi: (shrugs) you know what.... lets just say, she isn't in the good time to be participating to anything..... we are not the only friends she has, she is struggling to approach Harley but.....
Geo: but what?
Santi: Harley is always with Saint.....
Geo: (feels pissed) if that is what Harley wants.... then go!! we treated him nice and this is what he will do back to us??? 
Travis: true guys! Harley is the reason why I do not get a chance to be with Sabrina....
Santi: but Geo.... can you do that?? can you resist not talking to Harley?
Geo: (looks seriously Santi)
*William, Avril and Macky arrives at the parking lot*
William: (smiles) (walks out of his car) I am so excited guys!
*Geo, Santi and Travis watches William and Avril*
Avril: (hugs William) me too babe! I am excited to see your rivals especially that Saint and Harley one.... I have seen them in the campus looking cute but I never got the chance to approach them...
William: well..... you will love them!! (knocks on the door) hey Macky! walk out of that car....
Macky: (walks out of the car) (feels sad)
William: (touches Macky's neck) Macky??? are you not feeling well again???
Macky: (about to speak)
*Geo, Travis and Santi approaches William, Avril and Macky*
Geo: well... well... well.... look who's here..... I thought somebody moved to school this year.....
Avril: (looks at Geo) who is he William?
William: (looks serious at Geo)
Geo: wait.... what the hell? (looks at Avril) I know you so much Avril even though you are from the other department but why the hell do you not know the son of the mayor.....
Avril: (smiles) oh... you are?? nice to meet....
William: (cuts off Avril) Avril, remember to stay away from Geo.....
Geo: wow William! why are you talking to her as if there is a pandemic around?? I ain't a virus!
William: well.... you are manipulative.....  isn't that enough to make everybody avoid you..... lets go guys! (about to leave)
Geo: (holds William) listen up William!! (looks angrily at William) do not dare step on me just because you are away from us... remember, we are not done from making Harley avoid me last year......
William: and now he finally did! (pushes Geo)
Geo: what the hell man?!
Travis: (holds Geo) calm down Geo! what the hell was that William! why are you acting as if Geo was never your friend....
Avril: (feels annoyed) (pulls William) lets go William... I do not want you to get in trouble...
Geo: and William, would you let your friend Harley but friends with the son of the criminal???
William: I don't care Geo.... but what I know is, most people in the government are secret criminals! (left)
*Macky and Avril follows William*
Geo: (feels angry) (screams) (about to approach William) take back what you said!!!! do not dare talk to my father like that!!!
Travis: (holds Geo) bro Geo..... you can get back at him but it is not the time.....
Santi: (feels nervous) (holds Geo) lets now go Geo!! do not ruin your day!
Geo: (stares angrily at William leaving) (feels angry)

This tension is getting up! will the candidate presentation turn up well???? #SOTCFacingRivals

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