Episode 8 : Teach Me And I'll Teach You

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The next day at the Stone residence, as Harley was about to go to school.... At the front yard of their house.....

Harley: so..... mom and dad, I have to go.... today is exam week and I am so ready now.....
Mrs. Stone: sure son.... do not pressure yourself okay??
Mr. Stone: just enjoy the exam.....
Harley: hahahahaha... I will try to......
*a car stops in front of the house*
*the car beeps*
Harley: (looks at the car) huh? who is this?
*Geo walks out of the car*
Geo: thank God you are still in your home....
Harley: why are you here Geo?
Geo: to pick you up to school....
Harley: okay?? (looks at Mrs. Stone)
Mrs. Stone: this is so nice of you Geo.....
Geo: its nothing... just valuing our friendship.......
Harley: (walks to the car)
Geo: wait Harley..... (opens the door)
Harley: okay? (sits on the shotgun seat)
Geo: (enters and sits on the driver's seat) sure you didn't leave anything for school?
Harley: I didn't..... shall we go?
Geo: sure... (smiles) (starts the engine)
*the car leaves*

While Geo and Harley were travelling to school, Sabrina and Santi were at the lobby talking......

Sabrina: Santi, I have a gossip for you...
Santi: here we go again with your daily breaking news...
Sabrina: hahaha... just make sure that you won't tell Geo because Harley and Geo will be arguing again if he knows this....
Santi: sure... just say it....
Sabrina: remember that Saint had a broken arm right? I saw Harley wrote a message in his sling.....
Santi: are you sure? I haven't seen the two talk before... maybe Saint is just..... obsessed and wants to be friends with Harley that is why he wrote that for himself...
Sabrina: you are sounding like Geo now.....
Santi: no I'm not....
Sabrina: (rolls her eyes) yes you are..... and it is really Harley's handwriting.... It can't be anybody else......
Santi: okay? if you insist that it is Harley's.....
Sabrina: its shocking the first second I saw it while Saint was buying in a convenience store...
Santi: him and Harley talks and we don't know anything about it....
Sabrina: why would Harley tell okay? Geo is with us, Geo's blood always boil when it comes to Saint......
Travis: (approaches Sabrina) hey Sabrina.....
Sabrina: (rolls he eyes away)
Travis: what the fuck Sab.... you are still mad at me even after Geo and Harley are now okay?
Sabrina: that doesn't change the fact that you are blinded by what we are doing?
Travis: why Sabrina.... so that means.... you are completely going to be friends with Saint? you have the guts to do that?
Sabrina: I am just stating that we are doing these stuffs without..... you know... without thinking if its good or bad.....
Travis: oh cmon... lets just forget this.... (about to touch Sabrina)
Sabrina: forget it.... (moves away) I still have to study for the exams.... I better leave you two..... (left)

As soon as the bell rings, everybody rushed to their classroom and the exam hours have finally started....... after few periods, it is now lunch....... at the cafeteria.....

Geo: (keeps laughing)
Harley: (looks comfortably at Geo, Travis and Santi) aren't you guys going to study?
Travis: our last subject is basic..... why study?
Harley: but mine is not and I am here reviewing with you guys.... please.... keep quiet.....
Santi: (holds his laugh) (giggles a little)
Travis: (smiles down)
Geo: hey... hahaha.... you guys... we must not stop laughing.... Harley is right....
Harley: (gets pissed off by Geo, Travis and Santi)
Geo: haha... we must study instead of laughing here.....
Harley: (stands up) no need... I will adjust.....
Geo: (holds Harley's hand) oh c'mon Harley... leaving again?
Travis: you do not have to take the exam seriously...
Harley: do not worry... its just for these weeks guys.... I wanna make sure I won't fail in any subjects.....
Geo: where are you going Harley? let me join you instead...
Harley: no need.... I will be okay alone... we will still go home together anyway.... (left)
Geo: wait Harley.....
Travis: Geo, your boy is starting to be insensitive....
Geo: shut up already Travis.... he is not insensitive.....
Travis: he is....
Geo: (screams angrily at Travis) I said.... he is not insensitive!!
Travis: (eyes widens at Geo) chill man...
Santi: (looks down) (in his mind) I wonder if him and Saint are meeting again.....

At the lobby, Saint was there studying alone......

Saint: (reading a book)
Harley: (slowly approaches Saint) ugh... can I sit?
Saint: (looks at Harley) oh... its only you... sure....
Harley: (sits on the chair) sorry if I'm bugging you... its just, my friends are not letting me focus on my studies.... I have to study hard.....
Saint: well, aren't they going to find you? (looks around)
Harley: no, I told them that I will be okay.....
Saint: (nods)
Harley: so, what is your last subject for today?
Saint: Biology..... how about you Harley?
Harley: chemistry.....I hate that subject but I have to....
Saint: (looks at Harley) seriously? not to sound so cocky but its easy..... Biology is harder.....
Harley: haha, I object Saint you can say that again.... Biology is the real easy one here, I am even going to be a Marine Biologist someday....
Saint: okay? I wish everyone has big dreams....
Harley: (looks serious at Saint)
Saint: ugh.. whatever.... (sits besides Saint) I can teach you some techniques for chemistry... if you let me....
Harley: are you sure? how about biology?
Saint: then teach me? deal? (looks at the book)
Harley: (looks at Saint)
Saint: (looks at Harley) (smiles a bit)
Harley: (shakes his head) (smiles)

After the final period, it is finally dismissal...... Saint and Harley met again in the hallway......

Saint: (about to leave)
Harley: ugh... (approaches Saint) Saint....
Saint: huh? (looks at Harley) (puts on his hoodie) Hi Harley... how are you?
Harley: thank you so much for teaching me..... it means a lot to me, I survived chemistry...
Saint: well, you made Biology more interesting and fun....  thank you so much too....
Harley: can I be with you the whole day again? so I can focus more?
Saint: is it okay for your friends?
Santi: (peeks at Harley and Saint)
Harley: you do not have to deal with them.....
Saint: thank you for the today huh?
Harley: thank you more Saint.... (pats Saint's hoodie)
Saint: hey, hahaha..... stop it Harley.....
Harley: so, I have to go...... see ya...
Saint: see ya...
Harley: (left)
Saint: (smiles down) (looks at Harley)
Santi: (peeks at Saint) (in his mind) this is fucking legit.... this seems to be a pretty good content.....

OMG, they are now finally comfortable with each other and I can notice that they seem to have something with one another? this coming episodes will be more about them.... tune in....

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