Episode 21 : Thinking Twice

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2 weeks after finding a candidate of the supreme student's government elections, the school finally found the students who will compete for different positions in school....... a monday morning at the dining room of the Everdeen's......

Harley: (looks around the room) (smiles)
Damien: (enters the room) Harley.... why aren't you still eating the breakfast I gave you??? don't you want to eat??? is the food not good???
Harley: oh um... not Mr. Everdeen.... I am just waiting for your son to join us in eating.....
Damien: (smiles) Harley.... I thank you so very much for making my son live life a little better..... he always comes home very sad remember??? and I do not have any idea what is happening in your school...... so thank you...
Harley: chucks.... it is nothing..... I really do believe that Saint is a very nice person..... and I am so happy that I am with him.....
Damien: (holds Harley's hand) and Harley..... I hope you never leave Saint's side because he really became happy since you arrived.....
Harley: (smiles) I will Mr. Everdeen.... I will......
Saint: (enters the room) good morning guys...... (walks to Harley) good morning cute! (kisses Harley on the cheeks)
Harley: hey Saint! stop it please hahaha.... can we now eat?? the breakfast has been waiting for you.....
Saint: sorry my bad!! hahaha...
Harley: slow poke!
Saint: a cute slow poke! (winks at Harley)
Damien: hahahaha....
Harley: whatever! (rolls his eyes)

As soon as the lovers finished eating breakfast, they went to school and headed to their classes..... it is now afternoon, at the lunch tables, Saint, Harley and Kacey were hanging out together.......

Saint: (looks down nervously)
Kacey: (taps Harley) hey Harley.... why is your boyfriend so quiet today??? ask him if he is feeling okay?
Saint: (looks at Kacey and Harley) ugh hahaha.... I am okay!
Harley: (looks confused at Saint) you still nervous about being a candidate of president???
Saint: (scratches his head) Harley!! I really appreciated you insisting me to join...
Harley: and you accepted right?
Saint: I know Harley! the problem is..... I really think it is a bad idea!
Kacey: Saint.... it is not bad to try and besides.... if there is a bad idea, it is them not standing by you! and stepping on us in the most wrong decision they will ever make in their life.....
Harley: (nods) see.... me and Kacey have been on you full support since these previous weeks and..... you do not have to worry about anything! (smiles) we got you covered!
Kacey: or maybe.... you are still scared of Geo huh?
Saint: Geo??? me? scared of him????
Harley: (looks serious at Saint)
Saint: Harley! he will bring me down..... (feels sad)
Harley: (fixes Saint's hair) you will win! I will gonna assure you that..... and.... (kisses Saint's forehead) I love you! always remember that if you think you are useless.... you matter to me! (smiles)
Saint: (smiles) I love you too..... (blushes)
Harley: so haha... (stands up) I am still hungry, I will just order more food....(left)
Kacey: (looks at Harley leaving) so......
Saint: so what?
Kacey: (looks at Saint) you know what Saint, I am so guilty of hiding all our secrets to my very own brother.....
Saint: but Kacey, we shouldn't let him be involved..... I must protect him away from this past crimes....
Kacey: those were not crimes.... remember, we are proving the history wrong from thinking that your dad is a murderer....
Saint: and I still do not want Harley to be part of this!
Kacey: (shrugs) it is up to you..... for me, I cannot hide this any longer because whether it is important or not to Harley, if you hide secrets from him and he finds out, he will get mad and will sulk his way up on you.....
Saint: (looks down sadly)
Kacey: so Saint... ask your father about us continuing this problem.... if he does not want, then lets end this...
Saint: Kacey! He will not let us continue this....
Kacey: the don't! (stands up)
Saint: wait.... where are you going???
Kacey: buy extra food too! be right back! (left)
Saint: (looks at Kacey leaving) (feels sad)

It is now dismissal..... at the lockers, Saint was alone fixing his locker.....

Saint: (puts his books in his locker)
William: (sees Saint) (smiles) (approaches Saint) good afternoon???
Saint: huh?? (looks serious at William)
William: ugh hahaha... I forgot to introduce myself..... (offers a handshake) I am William Hollows..... and you are Saint right?
Saint: (smiles) you know my name? (accepts the handshake)
William: my adviser said.... I have to meet all my rivals for the incoming elections.... and I heard you were one of them.....
Saint: (smiles) oh cool.... so we are rivals??
William: (nods) yes but..... I hope you do not think of this as a competition okay??? because I hate arguing with people.... I love to make friends...
Saint: me too! my boyfriend insisted me to join.....
William: oh... Harley right???? (smiles) you are so lucky with that kid....
Saint: you know him?
William: we are classmates last year..... Harley: (approaches William and Saint) oh! I am so amused that you guys met! (hugs Saint)
Saint: oh hi Harley! (smiles) (hugs Harley)
William: Hey Harley! I am so happy that I met your boyfriend...... he is so nice just like you.....
Harley: well..... you guys are rivals right? I hope you guys do not fight for it....
Saint: (smiles) babe.... he is not Geo so why would I argue with him.....
William: wow! so you also hate Geo huh??
Saint: I hate him because he hates me....
William: well.... that is accurate...... same thoughts..... I always warned Harley before about that guy.....
Harley: (smiles) and I finally broke free......
William: well... see you all on wednesday okay??? that will be the presentation of candidates..... see you all there.....
Saint: see you Will and nice meeting you!
Harley: (smiles) see ya Will!
William: (nods) (left)
Saint: now shall we go home babe?
Harley: (kisses Saint) sure.....
*Saint and Harley left*

First episode of this season is done already! tune in.... I am so excited for this season!

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