Chapter 131, Starry night

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/ First Person Protagonist POV /

I had my eyes closed for the better time of the night around the camp fire, relaxing my body and mind until the delicious smell of something sweet yet fresh filled my nostrils. When I opened my eyes, Aro stood in front of me with a bowl of something steamy. " Here, it's getting colder, drink this." He crouched in front of me and handed me the bowl, which contained a hot drink. 

" Thank you, Aro." I smiled, and he took a seat next to me, leaning on the same rock. 

" It's a nice night, isn't it? The sky is cleared up." He said, looking at the stars just like I was. I nodded. " Yes, it is. The stars in the Carlac system are really a sight to behold, I must admit. I didn't really remember that."

" That's because you never looked at the stars before, y/n." Aro chuckled. " You were too busy running around playing pranks on everyone."

" I believe you. Pha Stett told me about your lightsaber incident as a kid." I laughed. " That was no incident. You did it on purpose." He rolled his eyes. " Y/n, you were an evil kid."

" None sense." I scoffed humorously and took a sip of the warm beverage. " This is good. What is it?" 

" My secret specialty." Aro finger gunned, smirking almost awkwardly. " You would always nag me after trainings to cook all the time. For years."

" Those events are somewhere in my memory, they do ring a bell, but it's still kind of blurry. I guess it will take some more time for me to remember the little details." I shrugged, sighing slightly annoyed. 

" Give it some time, eh?" He patted my shoulder and shot a friendly smile. " I'm sure you'll remember plenty more when you return from where you've got to go. You will come back to see us, right?"

" Well of course I'll come back! What type of person would I be if I didn't?" I shrieked, almost defensively. " And- you know about that. That I'm leaving" I sighed. 

Aro nodded. " Master Pha Stett told me. Nothing in this camp happens that I am unaware of, anyways. I would've found out on my own by now." I rolled my eyes playfully at his words. " Nice way to brag about your status, Aro."

" Just saying." He shrugged in fake innocence. 

I chuckled under my breath and shook my head slightly, taking another sip from the warm beverage he had given me. Looking around the campfire, all of my past comrades whose faces I was starting to remember more and more looked so content. They were enjoying the simplicity of their lifestyle, having a good time around the large fire. 

" Do you ever think about leaving Carlac, Aro? To explore the galaxy or help planets in need? Like the stories of the Jedi Pha Stett told us? The ones before the galactic empire?" I asked, looking at the night sky once again. 

" Rarely." He replied. " My place is here at the camp, helping master Pha Stett. When she won't be around anymore, someone must be here to train the legacy she has started. That's my calling."

" Wow. You sure are mature." I nodded my head in agreeance to what I'd just said. " At least you've got your life figured out. I don't even know what will happen tomorrow. I've got not the single clue."

" I see. You live a life of surprise." Aro hummed. " That's not necessarily a bad thing though. You don't know what tomorrow will bring, it mustn't be a boring life." 

" Yeah, it isn't all that bad. Except when I'm being hunted down or blasted by star destroyers." I chuckled, while Aro just looked at me with a dumbfounded look on his features, his grey eyes squinting out of confusion. " Sorry, I made that sound quite normal. I guess for me, it kind of is."

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