Chapter 16

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*Asha Pov*

What am I doing here on my bed?

Last thing I remember before falling into deep sleep is I was still in that house. And Prem was also there with me.

He must have brought me here then.

I got ready and left my room in search of Prem to thank him.

One helper told me that everyone is in dining hall. So I went there.

After taking seat beside Lucky when everyone was just looking at me, I looked up to thank Prem.

"Thank you." I said to him.

"You are welcome." He said smiling.

I smiled back and started eating my breakfast.

"Asha! We called your Dad yesterday." Lucky said uncomfortably.

"He must have said that he is in office or something." I said shrugging.

No one wronged me and calmly finished their breakfast. I don't want to act anymore infront of them.

I need to find some big solution for sure.

"Lucky! Can I talk to you in private?" I asked him in whisper.

"Sure." He replied but frowned.

I thought no one heard this so I am sure there will be no problems with this conversation.

After that we all sat in the living separately in two groups like boys in one and girls in another.

I saw that Mandira is still sad and lost in her own thoughts.

"Hey! Are you ok?" I asked her worriedly.

"I am fine." She replied immediately.

"Really? Then now tell us the problem." I said even after hearing her reply.

"He is my problem." She said and groaned.

Sandy and I both understood who is 'he' here.

"You both are the ones that go around saying that you don't love each other right?" Sandy asked Mandira.

"What else should I say? He doesn't want a serious relation and always flirting here and there. That is the only way for me to protect my heart and also getting free from small hurt." Mandira replied.

"You love him right?" I asked her directly.

She looked at me shocked and then nodded.

"Great! Now go and tell him that." I ordered her.

"No way! I don't want to get rejected like at all." She said shaking her head.

Sandy and I both shook our heads because we know she is not going to budge.

When everyone decided to take rest, Lucky and I decided to talk.

By this way we can stop any misunderstandings. We sat in the lawn calmly for few seconds.

"So? What do you want to talk about?" Lucky asked after few seconds.

"Do you know why am I invited here?" I asked him.

"My parents must have think that I will change my decision after seeing you here." He replied.

"Not only that. My Dad sent me here to help your Mom in breaking your relationship with Sandy." I said after taking a deep breath.

"What?" he asked shocked.

"Yeah! That's why I am acting weird from few days." I replied looking down.

"But how can our parents decide like that." He said shaking his head.

"And even more weird part is my Dad said he will be so happy with me is I make you break up with Sandy." I said and tears started immediately.

"I am so sorry Asha. I didn't know this all is happening." He said placing his hand on my shoulder.

"It is not your fault Lucky. I should have told you everything way before itself."  I said rubbing my eyes.

"So now what we should do?" he asked totally confused.

I took his hand in mine and asked "Do you love Sandy?"

Immediately his eyes showed love for her and he replied "More than I can explain."

"She too loves you so much Lucky." I said smiling at him.

"What are you trying to say Asha?" he asked me frowning.

"I have a big solution for this problem Lucky." I said smiling.

"And that is?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

I smiled and told my solution..

*Sandy Pov*

We all heard Asha asking Lucky to talk with her in private.

When they left to go and sit in the lawn while we all decided to take rest.

I dragged everyone to one of the balcony where we can see what are they doing clearly but we can't hear them saying anything.

At first they talked normally and then suddenly she started to cry a little.

When Lucky placed his hand on her shoulder I felt little jealous like so little.

And then she held his hand in hers and started talking I don't know what.

They are smiling now and then we saw some seriousness. This is like a mute movie or something.

Asha talked with him for few minutes and then they both hugged tightly.

What is happening?

Is she really something which I thought when I first saw her here?

Is Lucky falling for her again??

Another thing is what is my brother thinking who stood just beside me and saw all this???


Small chapter......

Hey what do u think Asha's plan would me?

I am sure u must have guessed already.....

Comment plz and vote.........

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