Chapter 45

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*Sandy Pov*

I don't even know why Lucky suggested all of us to go to Mumbai from goa by road. I mean it is so long journey.

First three hours Vicky droved the car and then next three hourse Rahul took his place. When it was time to complete the last three hours, Lucky decided to do it.

Rahul stopped him saying "You just got married today. No need to do it."

"You are telling me this like some mother-in-law asks her Daughter-in-law to not do much work today as she is newly wedded." Lucky said laughing.

We all just stared at him raising an eyebrow.

"What? Did you not get the joke?" He asked confused.

"We got your long joke Lucky but we are just tired to react anything. Let's just ask Bhai to do it." I replied and moved from my seat a little to look at bhai.

But what I was seeing made me stun. I just want to look at this forever.

"What happened Sandy?" Vicky asked.

"Look for yourself but be very quiet." I replied whispering.

They all nodded and moved from their seats a little up to see them.

"Aww they are so cute." Mandira said.

"Indeed they are. I wish they will get married soon and have a cute baby boy or girl so that we can see this again." I said and the picture is really cute.

Asha, Bhai and Abhi looked like a very perfect family sleeping with each other support. I need to take pictures.

"Guys! Take some pictures in all angles. Don't know when we can see this again." I said and we all click few pictures without making any sound.

After satisfied with all the pictures we again sat in our places.

"Lucky! You just drive for one hour and I will drive the remaining distance. I am actually fond of driving right so I am not that much tired." Vicky said and we all accepted.

Finally after three hours we reached Lucky's house.

We stopped the car little away because we don't want to wake up Bhai and Asha. But guess we have to so I called Asha.

Few minutes later both opeed their eyes and immediately looked at each other. We all chuckled silently seeing their expressions.

Asha came out of her trance and asked "Did we reach?"

"Yeah! We did." I replied.

She nodded and we went towards the house. Some guests are there waiting for us and we all got down.

But it was hard for Bhai as he just sat there holding them so he was little uncomfortable but didn't showed it.

Asha too saw it and continuously said 'Sorry' to him for that.

Lucky and I both walked towards the door with Asha coming beside me. There I saw Lucky's Mom holding tali of aarthi.

When we stood infront of her, she did the aarthi and put the tika on our both foreheads.

Then she put a Khalasha infront of me. It is filled with rice grains.

"Normally we use two Khalasha's filled with mustard oil at both sides of the entrance and you need to knock them a little in Punjabi tradition. But we molded it a little and doing this instead of that." Aunty explained to me.

I nodded and then pushed it with my right feet. Then Asha said "Rice is the symbolic of wealth. By following this ritual a bride conveys a full understanding of her obligations towards her new family."

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