Don't Catch A Ghost

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We all were dropped off at our street. "Lil' Ricky's alive." Jamal gasped. "And Hammel's is a dirty cop." Cesar added. 

 "No wonder he didn't take you in that day Mons found out-" Jamal covered my mouth so that I didn't bring up the Olivia situation. 

"When are we ever just gonna be teenagers again?" Ruby groaned. "Now! I'm out. This is not my mess or my problem." Monse started walking away. 

"You can't disobey the orders of a gang boss." Ruby warned her. "Uh, watch me. She ain't my boss and I don't care about the money. I'm not spending one more moment with you assholes and worrying about some sociopath looking to get laid. As far as I'm concerned, Cuchillos and all of you can suck a butt." Monse stormed off.

 "That went...uhh...well." I sighed breaking the silence. 

"We need to talk to Spooky, Now!" 

Cesar, Jamal, and I went to the house. 

"How could you not give us a heads up?" Jamal yelled. "J, chill out." I told him. "Yeah, she's his boss. He probably was under orders not to." 

"I knew she wanted to see you but she didn't give me any details why. She said Lil' Ricky's alive? He's been dead for decades." Oscar stated. "I don't think she would've told us he was alive if he wasn't" Jamal hummed. "I don't think you know what she would or wouldn't say." Oscar talked back.

 "Cause that bitch be bonkers?" Jamal mocked.

 "I wouldn't say that about her. She's not someone to disrespect. But there is one way to find out if she means what she says. Let's see if Lil' Ricky's really dead." Oscar recommended. 

"What are you thinking?" I questioned. "We dig up Lil' Ricky's grave."

 "That's exactly what I was thinking!" Jamal smiled. "Oh, come on. It was?" Cesar questioned. "Yup! I have the perfect bag for this, kind of. I don't have a body exhumation bag but my zombie apocalypse bag could be augmented to be in the same wheelhouse. Give me an hour. I'll be right back." Jamal got up. 

Cesar, Oscar and I laughed at him as he walked away. Once he left Cesar's face changed. "Hey, she didn't tell you, did she?" Cesar asked.

 Oscar inhaled and shook his head.

-Time Skippp-

Jamal, Oscar, and I went to the cemetery and Oscar dug up Ricky's graves. "Wow! Your hole has gotten big!" Jamal exclaimed. "Pause." I laughed a little. 

"We should be seein' casket by now, right or maybe not? Maybe you guys got the graveyard shift for nothing." Jamal started talking to the gnomies. Me and Him saw a girl standing across the graves staring at us. 

Jamal started moving and she copied him. As me and Jamal both walked away she moved behind one grave. "Oh shit. Spooky! What's the ETA on the body?" Jamal panicked. 

"Now. It's done." Oscar hopped out of the hole and dusted his hands off. "You're up." He nodded to Jamal. "What? What am I up too?" Jamal asked. "Opening the casket." I told him. Jamal whimpered a little. "Alright. Okay. Okay." Jamal went in the hole. 

I was helping Oscar dust off and then we heard Jamal start knocking on the casket. I went and crouched down to him. 

"Sounds full. He's dead." Jamal lied. "Nope. We need full confirmation." Oscar told him. "He's right bae." I shook my head. "Look, this isn't my first rodeo and I can smell him! He's dead and I know this because I've done more than a few embalm a longs at the morgue." Jamal argued. 


"Okay, fine! but I've thought enough about dead people to know what they smell like, and they smell like-- Wha-What if he's dead alive? Like a zombie. I don't wanna get bitten." Jamal made up. 

"Zombies aren't real. Open it." Oscar said back. "Why me? Why can't you do it? Or Y/n!" Jamal yelled. "Because!" 

"Because why?" 

"Because you got all that shit on and I don't want to get a ghost. Also, I don't want Y/n getting a ghost." Jamal looked at me then back at Oscar. "Get a ghost?"

"Yeah, if Lil' Ricky's in there unhappy and shit. I don't wanna startle him into taking over my body." Oscar informed him. "So it's okay for me to get bitten by a zombie, but you don't wanna get a ghost?" Jamal tilted his head. 

"That's exactly what I'm saying." 

"Listen there are friendly ghosts! There are no friendly zombies! If ghosts are bad, it's because they have unfinished business, but zombies? Zombies are unfinished business and they're always pissed!" Jamal shouted. 

"Your not going to sway me I know what I know. Our tio on our mom's side caught a ghost when he was two after opening his grandpa's casket. From that moment on he could only walk backwards." Oscar told him. "He was two! Maybe he was just a kid who walked backwards."

 "Or maybe he got a ghost!" 

"You're name is Spooky and your afraid of ghost?" 

I laughed a little and jumped in the hole as they kept talking. "You two shut the fuck up please." I shook my head up and opened the casket.

 It was a skeleton gnomie. Jamal and I looked at each other. "Chivo!" 

MISS MONEY MAKER, jamal turnerWhere stories live. Discover now