Pumpkin.(Child Fritz x Child Reader)

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A/n:requested by miffybear ^^ i have another oneshot with Fritz,aaa such cute ideas!x3

The door in her dark room slowly creaked open,revealing a tall female figure.

The little girl,still laying asleep on her bed,was cuddling her stuffed toy.

"(Y/N).Sweetie."Her mother's hand gently shook her shoulder,making the little girl shift around and drift away from her dreams.

Her (colour) eyes flattered open,seeing her mother opening the windows and drawing back the curtains for sunlight to illuminate her room.


"Good morning cutie!You are going to be late for school,up you go to eat breakfast and then clean yourself!"

(Y/N) rubbed her eyes,getting the covers off her body as her little feet touched the cold floor,making her flinch.

She grabbed her stuffed toy and quickly ran downstairs to get breakfast,and also to avoid her feet to get any colder.

She was feeling safe the moment her feet touched the kitchen carpet,as her eyes sparkled from joy seeing the breakfast on her table.

She managed to prop her body up on the chair,though the chair had layers of pillows for her to reach the top and eat her breakfast.

Her little mouth almost drooled at the sight of the perfectly cooked pancakes with the shiny almost gold like maple syrup dripping from the layers of pancakes.

After she messily ate all of them with the toy in her arms,she drank the glass of milk and then carefully got herself down from the chair,rushing to the bathroom.

"There you are!Time to brush your teeth!"Her mother chuckled,showing her the little toothbrush as she pulled out from underneath the sink a little step on ladder."Do you need help this time?"

The girl hummed in thought,approaching her as her fingers gripped the toy.

"I am scared because my teeth hurt."

"Well,it will hurt some times until you get your adult teeth.Let me help you this time,come!"

With hesitation,she stepped on the little step on ladder,looking at herself in the mirror.

Messy (colour) hair from sleeping,maple syrup on her lips and cheeks.

Her mother pinched at her cheeks,making her yelp.

"Even your cheeks got some of that syrup!"She giggled,kissing her cheeks and tasting the syrup along with it.

After a careful brushing teeth session,her mother managed to brush her hair as she placed a hair band on top.

"It will match with the outfit i picked out for you!"

The older female said with excitement,taking her to her bedroom to change her into her clothes.

She tied her little shoelaces and packed her lunch into her backpack.

(Y/N) said goodbye to her stuffed toy before leaving the house,following her mother to her car.

She would often stare outside,at the blue sky,with different kinds of small fluffy clouds,humming to a tune as she swung her feet back and forth.

The car came to a stop after a long car ride,opening the door and wearing the backpack on her back.

"Be careful and play nice,alright sweetie?"

"Yes mommy!"The girl waved at her goodbye,smiling.

But before she would turn around and enter into her elementary school,her eyes caught a hair colour that stood out from miles away.

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