sick dani

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corbyn's fingers clawed into the skin of zach's wrist as he pulled the boy away from the bunk area of the bus. he ignored the painful winces of the brunet, shoving him on to the couch with more force than intended. luckily zach was tough, so he just frowned, rubbing his hand over the nail imprints left on his bright red wrist. "your no fun!" zach exclaimed, looking up at the much taller blond.

corbyn rolled his eyes as he went back to the drawing he was working on. it was for daniel of course; a picture of the view they saw on their camping trip a couple of months back. gorgeous mountains that rested at the base of a lake with pine trees littered around it. "well your trying to wake up my boyfriend who just so happens to be sick."

daniel had laryngitis. it wasn't anything new for him though. losing his voice and having a constant cough was a regular for him. he always pushed through it though no matter how much corbyn tried to make him rest. thankfully the blond succeeded in his begging this time and got daniel to fall back asleep for awhile. the other boys were getting a bit antsy though, in need of some fun.

"zach, give it up already. he'll kill you if you bother daniel," jack informed, although the words didn't need to be spoken. corbyn's actions spoke louder.

his colored pencil glided across the bare lake he had out lined leaving a sea of blue on the paper. "you guys act like i'm the devil. i'm trying to help my boyfriend," he commented, justifying his previous actions.

"well hurting my boyfriend to do so might not be the best way to go about it," kay piped up from beside him. corbyn knew they were just trying to get under his skin. it was their last attempt at some form entertainment. they had a long ride to get to their next tour stop and the traffic was extremely heavy as it was a friday afternoon.

"oh shut up kay, you hurt zach all the time," corbyn lightly nudged his arm into the smaller girl as she giggled, pushing him away.

"he's not wrong," the brunet shrugged from across the two, "anyways, let's do something fun."

"you tried that five minutes ago. your version of fun was waking up daniel as he coughs his poor lungs out," corbyn pursed his lips before throwing his notebook and case of colored pencils on the counter beside him. he couldn't focus with his friends hounding over him. "your an asshole, you know that."

"corbyn i will literally shove you out the window," zach threatened, pounding his right fist against his palm. his licked the corner of his lips as if he was some kind of wild animal hungry for blood. "you're a stick, i could have you in the middle of the highway in no time," he added.

jonah interrupted the 'fight' attempting to break out between the two males, "zach first of all, you lay a hand on corbyn, daniel will single handily rip out your organs, sick or not," he warned. zach pouted in response, arms crossing over his chest.

"if anybody touches corbyn," daniels groggy voice could be hear from behind jonah. he pushed the tall brunet out of the way, rubbing his puffy eyes. he yawned before continuing, "i will do more than rip out your organs if you touch corbyn. therefore i'd zip it."

corbyn stood up, shaking his head at the sight of daniel being up and about. he was supposed to be resting. after all, they had a show in two days and it was crucial that he got better. "daniel, get your ass in bed now," he demanded. the taller blond frowned, rubbing at his throat as he felt a sudden pain come on.

"but corbyn, i'm alone and," his voice broke off, becoming nothing but a struggled gasp of air as he tried to project his words. corbyn guided daniel back to his bunk, helping him sip the last of the cold water that corbyn had previously gotten him.

"rest," he said sternly. corbyn tucked daniel back under the blankets before pressing his palm to his boyfriend's forehead. "your fever's gone so that's good."

daniel grabbed corbyn's arms, tired of being away from him. he missed his soft touch. he missed running his fingers through his hair. he missed holding him and singing him to sleep. whenever daniel got sick, corbyn went full maniac mode, constantly monitoring him. he would over stress and overwork himself just to aid to daniel's needs. it was cute, but completely unnecessary. daniel just wanted his sweet, loving, care free boyfriend back. not this motherly version of corbyn. he sure would make a good parent some day though.

"daniel!" he exclaimed. he didn't even bother fighting away from the younger. even being sick, daniel would always be stronger than him. he learned that the hard way. "baby, we've tried this before. we don't fit in this bunk," he sighed, feeling his body cram against the side of the wall.

"then i'll hold you," daniel whispered, trying to pull him back on top.

"you have breathing problems as it is daniel. let's at least move to the lounge if you want to cuddle," daniel let him get up and drag the curtain open. corbyn helped him up out of the bunk, tightly squeezing his hand.

"aww look. young love," jack called out, pretending to swoon over the couple. they synchronized their eye rolls at him before heading back to lounge, far away from the rest of the group.

corbyn put the television on a low volume and flipped to a random channel before getting on the large couch next to daniel. he patted his lap as daniel curled up, resting his head on the blond's thighs. "i love you," corbyn smiled. his eyes were fixed on daniel's face as he brushed his thumb along his temple. he watched his long eyelashes flutter up and down with each blink. his nose would occasionally scrunch up to sniffle away the cold he had picked up which led to the laryngitis. even through his sickness he looked so perfect. his blush red cheeks and his messy hair just made him appear ten times cuter.

"i love you too," he said softly, "i just can't wait to get better. then i can hold you."

corbyn chuckled, ruffling up the platinum blond hair that rested against his leg. "you can hold me all you want after this," he assured. he pulled out his phone and opened up instagram as he began to film daniel's head. he showed his fingers which ran through the floppy mess on top of his head along with the sound of daniel's content sighs. hi, i love you @seaveydaniel. feel better soon he typed. he posted it to his story before throwing his phone across the couch.

both blond's had ended up falling asleep in the back of the bus. jonah had to pry zach away, just as corbyn did not too long ago, to refrain from waking them up. "stop it, they're cute!" he scolded.

"fine, father."

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