lost in the city

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corbyn cringed at the feeling of his damp clothes sticking to his cold skin. drenched couldn't even begin to describe the amount of water he'd been lugging around. he wouldn't even have been surprised if his hood turned into a pond. his new white shoes, his favorite pair of jeans, and his comfiest hoodie, were all ruined now and there was nothing he could do except pray there was no more mud.

"you know," corbyn huffed, trying to keep up with the male slightly ahead of him. it was pretty challenging considering his socks felt like they were on the verge of disintegrating, "if you had just listened to me ten streets ago, we wouldn't be in this situation!" he yelled.

the blond turned his head back, wiping his hair out of his eyes to presumably get a better view of corbyn. "would you stop complaining for one fucking second! i'm trying to get us back there and all you're doing is running your mouth, not even helping!" daniel snapped. he came to a halt as they reached a new intersection, corbyn bumping into his body from behind, "i think it's this way," he sighed, beginning to turn right.

corbyn grabbed his wrist, pulling him back, "no, no, no we are not doing the whole i think game. you've been taking us down random streets for the passed hour! hell i wouldn't be surprised if we weren't in new york anymore!" he exclaimed. he slightly tilted his head upwards to take a glance at the boy he was now aggravating.

"i'm trying, okay? i'll get us back just trust me," daniel softened his tone before digging his hand into his back pocket. he pulled out his phone, the screen immediately being showered in water droplets. he frustratingly wiped them away, holding his palm over the device as if it were an umbrella. "it's dead," he sighed, shoving it back into his pocket.

"mines dead too."

daniel laughed in disbelief. he rolled his neck, head traveling from one shoulder to another. "let's just take this street. we're already lost, it won't make a difference."

they took the right turn, finding themselves traveling down a road suffocated by long strips of buildings just like the whole entirety of nyc. "it all looks the same!" corbyn groaned. he hopelessly began to drag his feet. his muscles were burning, his eyes were begging to close, he was cold, his head was pounding. everything was going wrong.

"this way," daniel gestured to an alleyway coming up, "it seems familiar."

"are you crazy! it's passed midnight and you want us to go down a dark alley. no, no way in hell," corbyn slowed his pace, rejecting the suggestion to take the rugged path. it was snugged in between a restaurant and a small market, lined with dumpsters and broken crates. it screamed 'you're about to get murdered' to the brunet. daniel grabbed his hand, shocking him. a chill traveled down his spine as he shyly ducked his head.

"cmon, i'll hold your hand," daniel said it in a teasing manner, but he never let go. he held the boy close as they traveled the dark lane.

"it smells like shit," corbyn gagged, lifting his now heavy sweatshirt over his nose.

daniel pulled him along, "that's new york for you."

corbyn wearily traced his eyes left and right, making sure nobody was nearby. "what's that?" he asked with a jump, pointing to a shadowy figure, huddled by a crate.

"a cat corbyn, it's a cat."

"sorry," he murmured, shaking out his free hand.

when they made it back out on to the actual street, they seemed to have been even more lost. corbyn bit his lip as he stared up at the starless sky, shaking his head. it was impossible to navigate the concrete jungle in the pouring rain without any sort of map or phone. they were hopeless.

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