missing hoodie

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requested by @julchristine
-corbyn is super soft and baby🥺

daniel sifted through his large pile of clothes that were unorganizedly stacked on the surface of the dark oak wood dresser. he sighed, wiping away a bead of sweat that trailed down from his forehead. "where is it?" he questioned to himself. his tongue slipped out of the corner of his mouth as he lightly bit down on it, trying to concentrate on where he may of left the article of clothing.

he turned away from the dresser and began sliding hangers across the top racks in desperate search of his hoodie. he of course had many others, but the one he was looking for was by far the coziest.

when he walked out of the closet empty handed, he grew slightly disappointed. the thought of losing yet another hoodie was oddly aggravating to him. "what's with the face," jack chuckled, meeting daniel on the stairway. he held a glass of what seemed to be soda in his right hand and a bag of doritos in his left; a common sight to see on a friday afternoon.

"i cant find my hoodie," he huffed, brushing passed the boy. he then turned around, gripping the railing for support, "you haven't seen it, have you? the tie-dye blue and green one."

"nah, but you probably left it in the studio or something," jack suggested.

daniel skipped down the steps, jogging through the large home which was surprisingly clean for five boys. the fact that daniel still couldn't find his hoodie, even in the spotless home, made him question it even more. did he leave it at a friends house or something?

he opened the door to their home studio, skimming his eyes through the room. "zach, have you seen my hoodie? the one i've worn for the passed two days," he asked the brunet boy who was intensely staring at the computer monitor screen. he only received a head shake from the focused boy.

daniel groaned and walked down the hallway to the kitchen. he rested his elbows on the marble counter top, holding his head in his hands, ready to spill all of his problems to jonah. "i've been searching for the damn thing for like an hour," he exaggerated, "i don't even care about having it anymore, i just want to know where it is. it's bothering me."

jonah opened the oven and pulled out a tray of pizza; it wasn't homemade or anything, just previously frozen. "i-uh can't help you there," he set the hot flat pan down on to the stovetop, "maybe ask corbyn, he's usually on top of things."

daniel found himself traveling back upstairs to the brunet's room. in all honesty, the boy could light up his day with one glance. talking to corbyn was always something to look forward to.

he pushed open the door, ready to greet the twenty two year old, but upon revealing the room he found corbyn all cuddled up in bed.

wearing his hoodie.

daniel furrowed his brows together and softly shut the door behind himself, careful not to disturb the sleeping boy. he looked so peaceful all wrapped up in the hoodie which was just a size larger than he was. the hood covered his head which was pressed sideways into one of his pillows. it hung loosely over his shoulders, making them seem broader than usual and the sleeves encased his hands which were curled together just in front of his face.

the growing smile on daniel's face was impossible to fight. he held in a coo as the brunet let out a tiny groan, yawning at the end. "daniel," he murmured, eyes squinted at the boy who was admiring him.

"hey corbs," he said softly. he crouched by the side of his bed, reaching eye level with the older, "you tired today?"

corbyn nodded, tiredly rubbing at his eyes.

"nice hoodie by the way," daniel chuckled, fingers pinching the cuff of the sleeve. corbyn's face flushed red, as he immediately recoiled, attempting to slip his arm out of the sweater. "no, no, keep it on," he assured. the brunet softly smiled, the action accompanied by a cute hum.

"it's warm right?" daniel patted his hand against the sleeve, until he felt where corbyn's hand was his. he reached into the slit of fabric and tugged out his fingers, tightly clutching them in his warm palm.

"it's really warm," corbyn mumbled, still feeling a tiny bit guilty for taking it, "i-i got kind of anxious earlier and you weren't home so i put it on. it's soft and it smells like you," he lightly giggled at his ridiculous explanation.

"aww baby," daniel pressed a kiss to his knuckles, "i'm sorry you're feeling anxious. do you want me to cuddle you?"

"please." corbyn pushed himself over, making room for daniel to climb in. when the younger entered the bed, corbyn immediately wrapped himself around his muscular arm.

daniel chuckled, "come closer love, you can climb on top."

corbyn positioned himself up on daniel's chest, head resting by his shoulder. his fingers drew tiny circles on the boy's skin as he let himself sink further into the comfort daniel was bringing. "you make me feel safe," he whispered.

daniel joyfully kissed his head, tangling a small strand of corbyn's hair around his thumb, "i'm glad sweetheart."

"thank you for always making me feel better dani."

daniel coo'd, "baby you make me feel better to. just being near you makes my whole day one hundred times brighter." he cradled the blushing boy, keeping him comfortably tucked in his arms.

"mmh closer," corbyn murmered, tugging at his shirt.

"honey, you can't get any closer, your already on top of me," daniel chuckled. he slipped his hands under the fabric coating corbyn, feeling his warm skin. he gently rubbed his back whilst letting corbyn shift through different positions on top of him, trying to find one that made him feel closest to the boy.

he finally settled with his head stuffed in the crook of daniel's neck and his body clung around daniel like he was a koala hugging a tree. "can i tell you about my day?" corbyn asked. it was one of his favorite things to do; share the days events with daniel.

"of course darling," daniel kissed his head and waited for the boy to continue.

"when i woke up, i had waffles that jonah made and they were really good, but then i realized you weren't home and that made me kind of sad," he took a short pause to give daniel a tight squeeze, making up for the loss of a morning they could've spent together, "then i watched a movie with jack and zach, but it was really scary. they started laughing at me and i know they weren't trying to be mean, but it made me kind of anxious."

"want me to go beat them up?"

"no," corbyn giggled, "then i went into your room and i grabbed your hoodie because it was the closest thing to feeling like you were hugging me."

daniel's heart warmed at the way corbyn felt so comfortable with him. he loved that the brunet always came to him about his problems and trusted him to make everything better. it was fulfilling to see how much importance he held to the boy on his chest.

"and finally i decided to take a nap so it would pass the time until you got home," corbyn finished.

"it's only the afternoon so how about we do something fun tonight? we could go to the beach, go on a drive, get dinner; we could do all three if you'd like."

corbyn gasped, raising himself up from his spot on daniel, "can we, can we, can we! please!"

"of course bubba."

the brunet bit his lip with a shy smile, "i-is it like a date?"

daniel tilted his head, a smirk drawing across his lips, "i would say so."


soft corbyn soft corbyn soft corbyn soft corbyn soft corbyn soft corbyn soft corbyn soft corbyn soft corbyn.

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