lines; TW

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please do not read if you will be triggered. this chapter contains;

-self harm ⚠️
-depression ⚠️
-suicidal thoughts ⚠️


*also corb is a brunet in this*

one last trigger warning bc i don't want to hurt any of u 🥺🥺


"cmon corb. you never come out with us anymore."

the brunet looked over at the tall blond in the doorway. he just shrugged, sinking further into his bed. "i want to sleep daniel," he said softly.

"well at least get cleaned up while we're gone. you've been wearing the same hoodie for six days," daniel sighed. he turned around for a second to face zach who was walking behind them. he slightly shook his head at the younger alerting him that he was unsuccessful at his attempt to get corbyn out of the house. "do you want us to bring back food?" he asked corbyn.


once the door was shut, corbyn let his head roll against the pillow as he studied the dark room. "stop fucking bothering me," he mumbled to himself. with the energy left in his worn down body, he pulled himself out of bed, dragging his feet over towards his full length mirror that was against the wall next to his closet. he stared at his reflection, taking in every last detail. his eyes were dull and spark less , his hair was a disaster, his lip was slightly torn from his habit of anxiously biting down on it. that wasn't the corbyn he knew.

he hadn't been doing much as of lately. he'd missed countless interviews and fans were becoming suspicious. many believed he was leaving the band which caused fights of all sorts to break out amongst the fandom. people were leaving their title as 'limelight' left and right.

"it's all my fault," he whispered before angrily hitting the mirror in front of him, "it's all my fault!" he shouted louder.

little did the brunet boy know, all four of his bandmates were still downstairs.

"leave him. he needs alone time," jonah said, grabbing daniel's forearm to restrain him from walking out of the kitchen.

"he's had too much alone time!" daniel exclaimed, "he needs help, that's what he needs. he needs us and prob-"

"can everyone relax!" jack seperated the two arguing boys, pushing them aside. "we're all worried, but if we barge in there and start pressuring him, we might just make it worse."

"i agree with jack," zach said softly.

"let's just get takeout and watch a movie. we'll tell him we had a change of plans and maybe he'll come down and watch with us," jack suggested. he looked around for the other boy's approval, receiving three head nods.

meanwhile upstairs, corbyn was getting ready to take a much needed shower. he walked down the hallway and to the small linen closet across from the bathroom. he was a little surprised hearing that the boy's were still home, but quickly hid his shock when footsteps came prancing around the corner.

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