instagram stories

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requested by; bessonfrost

corbyn shakily held his phone in front of his face, rubbing at his tired eyes. maybe it was almost one in the afternoon, but the brunet could sleep all day if he chose to (which he would've done today if it weren't for his brother being so obnoxiously loud).

he clicked the corner of his screen to add to his instagram story which brought up his front facing camera. he ran his hand through his hair a few times and fixed his 'wdw' necklace so it was neatly rested on his chest before holding record.

he made a short video of him talking about the new merch they dropped. his voice was hoarse as he spoke and his hair fell over his forehead. it sent many of the viewers' hearts fluttering.

especially this one boy's...

a few minutes after corbyn posted the story he felt a vibration go through his phone. he yawned and opened the app back up to see daniel had responded to his story. his stomach dropped as if he were on a rollercoaster as he clicked into their dm's.

12:54 pm

seaveydaniel replied to your story

cutie 🥺❤️


i'm coming over now :)


so we can cuddle duh.
DONT get out of bed
i'll be there in five!!

corbyn did in fact get out of bed to use the bathroom and brush his teeth, but he hopped right back under the covers the second he finished. he let the comforter rise just below his ribcage as his upper body was slightly propped up on the pillows.

he grabbed his phone again and decided to call daniel.

"corbyn, im like two minutes away," he laughed, picking up the phone.

"cool whatever, but when you get here please bring me up some water and a snack, thanks bye, love you!"

with that corbyn ended the call and picked up his baby blue bear from off the floor. the stuffed animal somehow always managed to fall off his bed during the night. he hugged it to his chest and turned his television on, scrolling through the endless possibilities on netflix. he was torn between rewatching a series or starting a new one; a common issue for corbyn. he hated starting new series because he felt like he was betraying his old one's, but he also would get attached very quickly, even if the show was absolute shit.

he decided on the show him and daniel started watching over tour. they never got the chance to finish it, in fact they only made it through a few episodes. he made the impulsive decision to restart from the beginning, knowing he definitely forgot everything that happened by now.

"hey corb."

"dani?" the brunet turned his head with a smile as he excitedly sat further up. he reached for the glass of water and plate of tiny gingerbread cookies in daniel's hand, placing them on his nightstand. "hurry up and get in!" he exclaimed, roughly patting the mattress.

daniel laughed and slid himself underneath the covers. he kissed the top of corbyn's head a few times before carding his fingers through the brunet mess. "how'd you sleep?" he asked, mindlessly grabbing his hand.

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