not worth your time

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warning; the boys don't live in la

little white snow flakes fell from the light grey skies as corbyn watched them from the window. he smiled seeing the beauty of the outdoors covered in a white sheet of fluffy snow. today would be a good day.

"where are you headed tonight?" jack asked, seeing as corbyn had rejected the boys's suggestion to go see a movie. he said he was busy and that was it.

"just out with some friends," he replied, glancing over at jack as he sat down beside the boy at the window. the sound of the three other boys in the band entering the room could be heard from behind them.

"oh yeah," jack shrugged. unconvinced, the curly haired boy pressured the subject again, "who?"

"i-uh you don't know them. they're from virgina and are coming to visit," he said. he finally let his eyes steer away from the beauty of the winter wonder land outside and turned around to face the other boys, jack mimicking his actions. "i'm going to go get ready."

when the secretive blond reached his room he let out a sigh of relief. he plugged in his phone to charge before proceeding to his rather large closet. it was filled with tons and tons of shoes and clothes. he had so many choices for tonight and he needed to look presentable, but not too bedazzled.

"alright, where are you actually going?"

corbyn jumped, head whipping back to face the curious boy now standing in the doorway of his walk in. he felt some what intimidated by the piercing blue eyes staring right into his own so he lowered his head. he could still feel the glare though. "just...out daniel," he replied.

"mmh, but who are you going out with?" he questioned, "is it a date?"

corbyn blushed, bringing the black hoodie that was lazily thrown on the dresser beside him, up to cover his face. "y-yeah," he admitted. he could lie to the other boys, but daniel was different for some reason. it was pointless to even try.

"so who's this girl?" he asked, walking closer to corbyn, "and how come you don't want us to know? we've been rooting for you to get a girlfriend for like seventy two years," he chuckled. for a split second corbyn spotted glimpse of some different emotion in his eyes, but he couldn't quite make out what.

"i-i-uh sh- no," he stuttered, unable to form his sentence. defensively, he walked to the back of his closet and pulled a pair of white jeans of the hanger to try and avoid daniel's question. some how the continuation of silence from daniel was enough to make him break. "ok fine!" he exclaimed, "it's not a girl," he mumbled.

daniel slightly opened his mouth, eyes widening at the blond's response. he was not expecting that. "oh, well that's okay," daniel smiled, "you didn't need to be so nervous bub. we love you for you." corbyn felt a huge weight lift off his shoulders. he returned the same smile to daniel before grabbing a dark purple hoodie from its hanger. "that is not what you're wearing," daniel stated, pulling the clothes from his hands.

"you go shower, i'll pick out the outfit. i have to leave in like ten minutes with the rest of the boys so i won't be here when you finish, but i hope you have a good date," he said, wrapping the older into a hug.

"daniel?" corbyn mumbled into his shoulder, "can you please not tell the others about my date?" he asked.

"of course not. have fun corb and be safe!"

daniel stayed back in his closet to get the outfit whilst corbyn walked to his bathroom. he turned the water on to a warm setting and set out a towel for himself before stripping down stepping into the warm mist. it felt soothing against his cold body.

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