hotel nights

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corbyn's beautiful blended mix of green and blue eyes stared out the large hotel room window. he sat on the edge of the bed leaving wrinkles on the clean white comforter. a sigh escaped his lips as he watched yet another car go by. the stars weren't visible due to the city's air pollution so the only lights he could watch were the headlights and glowing billboards which were nice and all, but he missed his stars.

"dani i'm cold," he whined, turning back to look at his boyfriend. he was sat at the small desk, busily typing away at his computer, trying to come up with song lyrics. he'd been at it for about an hour now, not even taking breaks in between.

"my other hoodie is on the couch," he replied, gesturing to his left. corbyn grumbled. he didn't want his hoodie he wanted him. he rolled off the bed and walked over to daniel, standing behind the chair as he hovered over the younger male, "babe, let me get this done," he said, wheeling his chair closer to the desk.

"but daniel," corbyn groaned. he spun the chair around so his lover could face him instead of a document filled with rhyming words, "i'm bored," he stated, grabbing at the strings that were connected to daniel's hoodie. he playfully wrapped them around his finger, while smiling down at him, knowing he was going to get his way.

"corb, i just got to get one more verse done," he explained before taking the older's hands from off his hoodie strings, "you're supposed to be helping me by the way."

the green/blue orbs that belonged to corbyn rolled around his eye sockets as he scoffed in remark. "no. i'm sick remember," he fake sniffled and rubbed the top of his nose, "that's why you should come cuddle with me instead of this boring stuff."

"this boring stuff is our job," daniel pointed out. he sighed before twisting his chair back around towards the desk and closing the lap top, "but for you i'll make an exception."

corbyn triumphantly smiled, clinging his arms around daniel's the second he stood up, "let's go get snacks from the store downstairs!" he exclaimed, tugging him along.

"what happened to being sick?" daniel retorted. corbyn just shrugged and grabbed daniel's wallet that was rested on the dresser, "hey, not my money!"

"boo hoo. you fought to be the top so now you have to treat me," corbyn pulled open the door, holding it for the slightly taller behind him, "but if you're really gonna complain, go on princess," he giggled.

daniel lagged behind the now suddenly energetic boy as he ran down the hall and to the elevator doors. in all honestly he was just admiring his adorable boyfriend. watching him get all excited about running around a hotel at two in the morning was more than enough to warm his heart.

"cmon slow poke!" corbyn teased as he pressed the elevator button. daniel caught up as they waited for the elevator to arrive. they were on one of the top floors so it was usually a bit of a wait.

"you're cute," daniel blushed, pressing a kiss to the top of his head.

"i know," corbyn smiled. he wrapped his arms around daniel's torso from the side, feeling the warmth radiate off of his body. even as the elevator arrived, corbyn never let go. he just wanted to be close to the boy who made his life so bright again.

"baby, stay like that too long and you'll get stuck," daniel chuckled, running a hand through the submissive boy's hair. "not that i'm complaining though," he mumbled.

"i like being close to you," corbyn whispered.

when they reached the ground floor, he finally let go of daniel, but still made sure to grab tightly on to his hand. they walked to the small convenient shop that was open all hours in the hotel. it wasn't anything out of the ordinary for the boys to take late night snack runs so when they saw a familiar short, bleach blond haired boy and a tall brunet they weren't surprised.

"what's up dorbyn," jack laughed as he pulled a drink from out of the fridge. corbyn shied away, disconnecting his hand from daniel's. the two boys had been open about their relationship for quite some time now, but corbyn still got nervous showing so much affection around others.

"great job you ruined it," jonah said sarcastically as he patted the shorter boy's shoulder.

"where's zach?" corbyn asked, curious as to where the youngest boy's whereabouts was. he was usually the one to be making these snack runs.

jonah shrugged, "with eben? or maybe he's asleep? i don't really know," he yawned, "i'm gonna check out, you ready jack ass?"

jack nodded, "yeah, good night guys. see you in the morning."

once they left, the couple roamed around the store, corbyn rekindling the previous loss of affection he showed towards daniel. "i want chips. wait no, i want ice cream. actually i'm too cold for that i wa-"

daniel cut him off with a kiss before dangling a bag of goldfish in front of him. corbyn's eyes lit up as he snatched the bag from his hands, "want apple juice too?" he asked. he didn't even wait for his boyfriend's answer as he already knew what it would be. he grabbed two bottles from the fridge before setting everything down at the register to check out.

corbyn smiled over at daniel and pulled out the younger's wallet from his pocket. "your lucky i love you," daniel sighed.

after paying the boys returned back up to their room and cuddled up in the bed with their snacks. they had a show going on in the background, but they were mainly paying attention to each other, talking about whatever came to mind.

"it's almost our three year anniversary," corbyn pointed out, moving the goldfish to the nightstand, "that went by fast."

daniel nodded, "yet you still don't like being touchy with me in public," he joked.

corbyn frowned, lightly nudging his arm, "i would, but the boys will make fun of me for being a baby," he whined. he placed himself back into daniel's arms, kissing the bridge of his nose, "i do love you though. a lot," he confirmed.

"i know," daniel smiled, "but nobody would make fun of you. i wouldn't let that happen."

corbyn hummed, burying his head into daniel's shoulder, "goodnight bubs."

"goodnight sweets."


hope you enjoyed and i hope you have a good day/night ❤️

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