don't change; TW

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warning; eating disorder

requested by TapeOfDeppression

the warm tears welling in corbyn's eyes, chipped away at daniel's heart. he intently watched as his bandmate tried to hide his emotions, pretty much failing to do so. he clawed his hands up at his pine green orbs, further irritating the reddening white slits of his eyes.

daniel wasn't trying to be creepy or anything, but he couldn't break his stare. he studied every action of the brunet's, even standing up after the boy walked over to the mirror just so he could get a better look.

what the blond didnt know was how much corbyn was picking apart every detail of himself. he couldn't hear the menacing thoughts that clouded the poor boy's mind or the ridiculing comments he threw at his body—his beautiful body.

"daniel, can you tell the boys i'm not going to dinner tonight. i'm tired, i think i'm just going to sleep," corbyn turned his head away from the reflection of himself and over to who'm he considered a much more perfect human being. oh how he envied the blond boy.

"you skipped last time too corb," he said softly, "and you didn't eat lunch with us today...are you feeling okay?"


corbyn never pictured himself to be hunched over the toilet, shoving his fingers down the back of his throat, forcing up everything he ate (which wasn't even a lot). his insides burned as if someone had shot a blast of fire up his esophagus and through his nostrils. he coughed up the last of the acidic liquid before flushing it all down.

he weakly pulled himself up off the tiled floor and stood in front of the sink. the boy in the mirror was practically a stranger. he grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste, brushing away the sick taste that was left in his mouth.

it was as if this was his new nightly routine.

he grabbed his phone from off the top of the marble countertop and swiped through his missed messages.

dani 🐝

do you want me to bring you back something for dinner?


did you fall asleep?

have a good rest hun, we'll be
back shortly. call me if you need anything. i love you.

corbyn laid in his bed, tiredly scrolling through his feed. it was just series and series of rude messages towards him. he was so tired of it. he tried so hard to perfect himself, perfect his body, perfect his voice, perfect every little detail. nobody was ever satisfied with him though, there was always something.

"oh, your up!" daniel exclaimed from the doorway. he walked to the edge of the bed with a white styrofoam container in hand, "i got you some wings in case you wanted a little something. there's not much food left in the house."

"thanks," corbyn mumbled. he set his phone down to take the container from daniel's hands, completely forgetting he hadn't of locked the device yet.

daniel's eyes slipped down to the screen. he skimmed through the harsh messages, growing angrier and angrier with each word. he grabbed corbyn's phone, holding his arm out to black corbyn from stealing it back. "why do you read these? they're bullshit, not true at all!" daniel gasped, "you realize that right? these are just fucking jealous people who have nothing better to do with their lives."

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