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the reeking smell of sweaty boys, excessive cologn, and greasy pizza filled the entirety of the downstairs. it wasn't anything new for the seavey household. christian and daniel always had something going on.

corbyn yawned, pressing his elbows against the counter. he was never the biggest partier, but he had previously been at the house after working out with daniel and some of his friends. unfortunately the brunet made the mistake of having a couple of drinks. he wasn't drunk yet, not even tipsy, but he wasn't taking the risk of driving under the influence.

after searching the whole first floor for the familiar blond he had been with earlier and turning up unsuccessful, corbyn decided that daniel had just gotten tired and headed up to bed. he acended up the staircase, hearing the loud voices and blasting music grow further and further until all noise was muffled. as he approached daniel's bedroom door, he could hear a new sound; a much more soothing sound to say the least.

the light strum of an acoustic guitar and the voice of an angel.

corbyn smiled and lightly knocked on the wood before entering the room. "hey dani," he hummed, shutting the door behind him. his eyes were comforted by the dark lighting as he felt his body finally relax. being in a chaotic partying atmosphere was one of his least favorite feelings in the world. some things were just too intense for him.

daniel smiled and set aside his guitar, "hey corbs," he tilted his head at the tired looking boy, "you feeling alright?"

corbyn nodded, "it's just a little overwhelming downstairs."

"tell me about it," daniel chuckled. he stood up from his spot on the floor and moved to the much comfier bed, patting the spot beside him, "come relax, i know your tired bubs."

corbyn shuffled over to the bed and kicked off his shoes, "i was gonna go home, but i drank a little," he explained, suddenly feeling guilty. daniel probably wanted to get some rest himself and here he was interrupting all the boy's peace. "i guess i could walk home."

"don't be dumb c, your fine," daniel assured. he rubbed the anxious brunet's shoulder, feeling just how tense his muscles were. "i enjoy your company."

corbyn smiled before beginning to settle himself down under the covers. before he could make it under, a painful wince left his lips in reaction to the cramping in his back. "next time you ask me to work out i'm saying no," he huffed, now going for a more careful approach with laying down.

"aww i'm sorry babe," daniel sympathetically pouted down at the sore boy. he threaded his fingers through corbyn's hair a few times before tapping his shoulder, "take your shirt off and flip over, i'll give you a massage."

corbyn reluctantly agreed, dropping his black tee shirt off the side of the bed. he flipped on to his stomach and crossed his arms above his head, groaning at his aching joints.

daniels hands pressed on to corbyn's smooth back, pushing against all of the tension within the boy. "bubby your so tense," daniel coo'd, "tell me if i'm hurting you alright?" he squeezed along his spine, feeling a few pops from within the boy.

"thank you dani," corbyn softly mumbled into the pillow. he felt the two warm hands make their way up to his shoulder blades, digging into the muscles. he wouldn't be lying if he said this was the most comfortable he's ever felt.

"feeling any better baby?" daniel questioned.

"a little," corbyn yawned.

"stand up for me darling, i want to try something."

corbyn groaned and pulled himself out of the bed. daniel got up with him, standing directly in front of the boy. "okay, i'm going to pick you up and your back should crack. i do it to fans all the time in limelight, it'll feel good, trust me." daniel moved behind corbyn, wrapping his arms around the thin boy's torso, "ready?" he asked.

a shiver ran down corbyn's spine at the feeling of daniel speaking against his neck, "y-yea." in an instance he was lifted off his feet, jostling his upper body backwards. daniel kept a tight grip on him, making sure he didn't fall as he was placed back on the ground.

"did that work?" the blond asked. he had subconsciously brought his hands up to corbyn's shoulders, massaging them gently.

corbyn nodded with a chuckle, "your like magical or something."

"i know," daniel teased. he lowered his head, placing a few kisses over the top of corbyn's bare shoulder, "hey sweets, do you want to change into some of my sweatpants instead of your jeans? i assume you're staying the night."

corbyn nodded, "yes please."

after both boys changed and got themselves ready for bed, they climbed back into the pile of blankets.

daniel turned off his lamp before shifting to lay on his side so he could face corbyn. "you should stay over more often," he hummed

"whenever i come here, i get forced to work out and then you make me hurt myself," corbyn pouted. he rolled his eyes at daniel's laugh before feeling his body get tugged across the bed. daniel scooped him up in his arm and kissed the boy's cheek.

"but when you hurt yourself, i get to take care of you so it's really a win for the both of us."

"yeah, because me being in pain is a total win for me," corbyn said sarcastically. "speaking of pain, my lips hurt."

"oh really?" daniel smirked.

corbyn nodded, "i think you should do something about that."

daniel tilted corbyn's head upwards before glueing his lips to corbyn's. he passionately kissed the soft lips before pulling away. "better now?"

"maybe one more time."

SORRY IF THIS SUCKS IM LITERALLY FALLING ASLEEP AS I WRITE. it's only like 12 and i usually don't go to bed till 4 oOps but i'm exhausted rn so yeah.

dorbyn oneshots Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora