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a/n just bc i miss my lakehouse here's this :( based off a true story lmao

corbyn loved car rides. they were his third favorite thing, behind music and space...well technically fourth favorite since daniel was also high up there on the most valued list. when the suggestion to take a roadtrip down to corbyn's lakehouse surfaced, the brunet couldn't be any happier. he spent the whole week packing, making a playlist, mapping out their route, figuring out stops they should visit on their way down. he was beyond eccentric over this trip.

today was finally the day. corbyn restlessly slept through the night and woke up at the early hour of six just to get everything prepared.

"cmon baby, today's the day!" corbyn exclaimed in excitement. his face was glowing and his beautiful green/blue eyes were sparkling with joy. he tugged at the sleeve of his boyfriend's sweater, trying to get him out of bed. "i figured we could stop for breakfast before we got on the road so i didn't make you anything," he explained to the not even half awake male.

"mmh that's nice," the blond groaned, cuddling closer into the warm pillow.

corbyn whined and flopped on top of him. "please baby! i want to get going and we have to pick up jack, ashley, and syd!"

"fine, fine," daniel yawned, "i'll be ready in like ten minutes," he said in his raspy morning voice. he smiled upon sitting up as he watched corbyn excitedly run out of the room. seeing his boy happy was all that really mattered to him.

corbyn had just gotten off the phone with ashley to alert her that they would be leaving soon. he anxiously rushed around the house, making sure they had everything for the trip. they'd be on the road for all of today and reach the camp by late tonight. they had planned to stay a week as well and at some point during those seven days, the rest of the boys and some other friends of theirs would tag along as well.

"ready babe?" he asked the sleepy boy who had dragged himself to the foyer. daniel yawned and nodded. the car had been packed the night before and corbyn threw all of the last minute items in just before he woke daniel up so they were set to leave. "i'll drive until you wake up some more," corbyn giggled.

about an hour into the trip, corbyn and ashley were already bickering over who's playlist was better. ashley had attempted to get corbyn to play hers many many times, but the brunet was stern about his decision. "yours is just going to be a pile of sad love songs," he argued.

"well not everyone is happy like you corbyn," the blonde girl scoffed, kicking his seat from behind.

"i will literally get saskia on the phone!" sydnie exclaimed, roughly banging her head against the window beside her. the besson's really knew how to give people a headache.

"baby, how about we listen to yours for a little longer and then we can switch to hers and then back to yours?" daniel suggested. he was now in the drivers seat. after they stopped for their meal at mcdonald's, he finally had awakened and let corbyn have the passenger side. he knew all the brunet really wanted to do was look out at the passing road, sing, talk, and play whatever dumb car games he could think of.

"fine," he huffed.

"hey uhm guys?" jack piped up.

a series of 'what's' broke out amongst the other four.

"do you want to see my nuts?"

"my god jack, what the hell is wrong with you!?" sydnie yelled, reaching over ashley and slapping her brother.

"no, no, look," he unzipped his backpack and pulled out a bag of trail mix filled with a variety of nuts. "my nuts!" he laughed proudly.

corbyn blocked out the childish conversation going on behind him and lovingly looked over at daniel. the blond caught his boyfriend staring from out of the corner of his eye and smiled. "whatcha lookin at baby?" he smugly asked.

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