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requested by TapeOfDeppression
warning: insomnia

it was as if corbyn's eyes were glued open. no matter what he did, they wouldn't stay shut, yet for some reason they still felt so heavy. he tossed and turned under his warm covers, kicking the sheets around until they were falling off the bed. he flipped and repositioned his pillows for what felt like the millionth time, but no matter what position he set himself into, he couldn't get comfortable.

he hadn't even noticed the rising sun until the harmonies of chirps filled his ears. his gaze travelled towards the window as he let out a loud sigh. once again, he hadn't slept.

this seemed to be a reoccurring patter for the brunet. he'd spend countless nights restlessly moving around in his bed without an ounce of sleep hitting. even when he did sleep, he never woke up feeling energized. it felt like the days were never ending and the only way he could differentiate the time was by the sun and moon. sleeping was no longer a reset for him.

though it was still extremely early; five to be exact, corbyn carried on, making his way out of bed. it was the last thing he wanted to do, but after staring at the same walls and ceiling for ten hours straight, he needed a change.

his incredibly stiff and sore limbs cramped as he slowly hobbled down the stair case. he squinted his eyes at the bright lighting that was beaming through the large glass doors and windows that lined the house. upon walking passed the living room, he took notice to a body slumped on an air mattress. he knew there had been a party at the house last night. he didn't leave his room at all, not wanting to socialize with anybody, but he was aware that a pretty large amount of people had shown up. most had left rather early, around two or so considering it was monday and most people had things to do.

he took a closer look, seeing a mess of blond hair peeking out of a blanket. he felt a great amount of relief when he realized it was just daniel. he continued his quiet creep into the kitchen and successfully grabbed a water from the fridge without making a sound. he sat at the island, staying as silent as possible as he sipped on the cold beverage.

low groans left his lips as he felt a large pressure beating in his head. his skull felt as if his brain was pounding against it in heavy motions. he knew this was a consequence of his lack of sleep. he lowered his head into his arms which were crossed on the table. what is happening to me? am i gonna be okay? i just want to be normal again...


he whipped his head back, catching sight of daniel who was now sitting up. "go back to bed," corbyn said softly. he watched daniel shake his head and proceed to stand up, "daniel your probably hungover. go back to bed," he persisted.

"no," daniel yawned, rubbing the sleep out of his slightly reddened eyes. he took a seat in the chair next to corbyn and propped one of his elbows up on the counter, resting his head in his palm. "you don't look well," he pointed out. corbyn's face was drained of color, his facial expressions drew a look of pain over his eyes and lips, and there were dark circles just under his eye lids. "did you sleep last night?"

daniel's guess wasn't completely out of the blue. corbyn had admitted to daniel (and daniel only) that he had been occasionally missing a day of sleep every now and then. in reality it was a lot worse, but he hated to worry people.

"mmh," was all the brunet could mutter out.

"corbyn," daniel warned. he rested a hand over the older's back, "you need to get rest. this isn't healthy, you can really hurt yourself," although daniel yawned through his words, corbyn got the message.

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