hold me

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requested by wdwdorbynnn ❤️

it was a chilly fall night. the stars were out, the moon was in its crescent form. the leaves had begun to change colors and detach from the trees. before anyone knew it, winter would be here.

"damn it's cold for only being october," corbyn shivered. he squeezed daniel's hand tighter, knowing he was probably cold as well. the crunching of dead leaves under the fives boy's feet was the only sound that could be heard. it was pretty late, maybe around midnight. they'd lost track of time while in the studio today.

"i want to go to bed," daniel whispered to his boyfriend. corbyn opened the car door for him before climbing in himself. the two took the far back, zach climbing in the middle with their bags, while jonah and jack sat in the drivers and passenger seat.

"you can rest now. we have a half hour drive," corbyn explained.

daniel groaned, wanting to be snuggled into his own bed already. he yawned, reaching over to corbyn and clinging himself around the older's arm. corbyn chuckled and set down his phone so he could give all of his attention to his boyfriend. "i hate this seatbelt," he pouted in a childish tone. corbyn raised an eyebrow at his behavior before smiling it away. daniel was adorable, that was for sure.

"you have to keep it on babes," corbyn tore daniel's hand away from the strap only angering the exhausted boy.

"it stops me from being with you!" he exclaimed.

"dani, you know better. plus i'm right here, we'll be home in literally twenty five minutes," corbyn felt like he was talking to a child, constantly fighting daniel from unbuckling along with repeating his words over and over.

zach turned around from his seat to look at the arguing couple. "daniel why are yelling," he yawned, being half asleep himself.

"i want to sit with corbyn."

"you are," the brunet retaliated in confusion.

daniel rolled his eyes, kicking zach's seat from behind, "no, i want to be in his lap."

"aww," jack coo'd, looking into the backseat from the mirror.

"daniel am i dropping you off at your house or corbyn and i's?" jonah asked, but the blond seemed to be way too occupied with trying to comfortably cuddle into his boyfriend.

"take him to our place," corbyn answered, knowing daniel was incapable of acting his age at the moment. he didn't exactly know what was going on with daniel, but he couldn't say he disliked it. daniel was too cute for him to even care about his behavior.

"bub, give me a hug," corbyn sighed, seeing daniel was still uncomfortably fidgeting in his seat. daniel immediately perked up, falling into his arms. "we'll be home soon. you can put on my hoodie, we can get snacks, then we can cuddle up in bed and watch some youtube. does that sound good?" he asked. daniel nodded. corbyn peppered soft kisses into his hair before letting the boy go. daniel of course whined at the lack of closeness, but was pleasantly satisfied when corbyn grabbed his leg, draping it over the older boy's knee.

"corb?" he whimpered, playing with the rings that lined his fingers. corbyn hummed, squeezing his thigh. "i have to tell you something."

"what do you have to tell me precious?" he asked lovingly.

"that i really really love you," he blushed.

corbyn chuckled, "well i really really love you too angel."

eventually the worn out boy's were dropped at their homes. zach and jack parted before jonah took himself, corbyn, and daniel back to his and corbyn's place.

the happy couple got ready for bed, washing up, brushing their teeth, and changing before daniel had enough of being awake. as corbyn removed his chains in the mirror, daniel wrapped his arms around corbyn's shirtless torso, melting at the touch of his warm skin. "baby go climb in bed," corbyn directed.

"i'm not leaving your side," he pouted. corbyn finally got off all of his jewelry, lazily resting it on his desk. he turned around in daniel's arms, kissing his forehead before throwing the boy on to the bed which was layered with many blankets. corbyn climbed in, immediately being tackled by daniel.

"bubba, let's get under the covers first," corbyn pulled up the corners of the soft sheets, guiding the two underneath them. "sweetie why are you all over me tonight? i don't mind it, but it's kind of unusual for you," he mentioned.

daniel settled his body directly over corbyn's, stuffing his face into his neck. "i just want you to baby me," he answered, "i like getting your attention, your cuddles, your love," he rambled.

corbyn kissed the side of his head, "your so cute dani, you know that?"

daniel mumbled, "you tell me all the time," the younger boy nuzzled his head even further into corbyn, soaking in the affection, "tomorrow can you hold me all day and not ever leave my side?" he asked.

"i'd hold you forever if it made you happy,"  corbyn said in a raspy tone, "now sweet dreams my little love bug."


thank u for requestinggg!

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