lets try this

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"corbyn wait!" daniel exclaimed. he gripped his wrist before he could reach the front door, tugging him away. he sighed, glancing back at the rather large group of people behind him. there was always a party in the seavey household. three brothers, all in their twenties; what else could you expect? "i want to talk," he said just loud enough to project his voice over the loud music. corbyn rolled his eyes, slipping his wrist from daniel's hold.

"daniel don't make this harder for me," corbyn said shaking his head, "you gave me your answer already. i'm sorry."

daniel groaned in frustration. "please just listen to me," corbyn was hesitant, but he followed the taller up the staircase. the music faded as they reached daniel's room. it was peaceful with the open windows and the light breeze that made the curtains dance. "corb i-"

corbyn whined, throwing himself on the gray beanbag, "daniel, if your trying to make your rejection to me any easier, i can assure you it won't work. you've done enough." he turned his head over to look at daniel's sympathetic eyes. they made his heart crumble as he remembered how foolish he was that night. the night he thought he was good enough for daniel and that he would actually want him.

"no, please forget everything i told you that night. it wa-"

corbyn cut daniel off once again, "i'm sorry i ruined our friendship. i'm sorry i was so stupid," corbyn talked as if daniel wasn't there trying to explain himself.

"i'm this close to duck taping your mouth shut!" daniel held his pointer finger just above his thumb creating a small gap in between, "hear me out," he begged. he sat up from his spot on his bed and moved to the beanbag chair beside corbyn, "i never meant to hurt you."

"i know. it's not your fault, you were being honest."

daniel sighed, "no i wasn't," he admitted, "when you told me your...feelings i- i was in shock. i didn't think i felt anything for you and i was terrified of what might happen if i did, so i rejected you. i said things i didn't mean."

corbyn gulped, blinking back the stinging tears, pooling in front of his green orbs, "you told me that i was insane and that my feelings disgusted you."

daniel nodded, ashamed of himself. he didn't mean those awful words. not in the slightest. he hated the fact that he let his emotions control him. "corbyn, i promise i didn't mean that. you don't disgust me," he whispered. he grabbed the other's hand, wiping away the stray tear that fell down corbyn's pale face, "i wasn't thinking then. but i thought about it for some time now and i realized that i feel the same way corbyn. i was trying to block it out and protect myself because i didn't want to get hurt, but that just led me to hurting you. i'm sorry."

"daniel. for three weeks, almost a whole month, you let me suffer in my head. i tore myself apart for you, i tried to change for you. you made me believe something was wrong with me," corbyn scooted himself further away from daniel, using his own sleeve to wipe away his tears, "you saved yourself by hurting me. do you not see the issue with that?"

the younger painfully looked away from corbyn. his eyes stayed glued to the hardwood floor below his feet. it wasn't interesting, but it was better than watching corbyn cry. "i was scared!" daniel exclaimed, "we shouldn't feel like this towards each other, we're best friends, were in a band, were supposed to be bros," he cringed.

"but we do feel like this daniel. there's nothing we can do now and everything you say is making it worse," corbyn huffed. he let out a sniffle, wanting to curl up in daniel's arms so badly. "i should've never told you. then you wouldn't of realized you felt the same, i fucked it up!"

daniel shook his head, grabbing corbyn's hand again, "don't blame yourself. this isn't just your problem, we both have to deal with this."

"we can't do anything about it though. i love you daniel. i'm always going to love you, i can't just decide not to," corbyn sobbed. daniel wrapped his arms around him, pulling his head against his chest. he held his palm to the back of corbyn's head, lightly brushing his fingers through the short hair.

"shh," he hushed, "i hate seeing you cry," he waited for the older to calm down, enjoying the fact that the blond was rested in his embrace. "i don't want you to hurt. i want us to try this."

"daniel it won't work, we won't work. we're going to make the boys feel awkward, management won't approve, the public is going to get involved and keeping it a secret is too stressful," corbyn ranted. he shook his head, standing up from the beanbag chair, "i wish i didn't love you."

"i don't care who approves. this is our life," daniel stood up next to corbyn, "please, can we try this. let's at least see what's between us," he whispered, inching closer to the older male. his nose brushed against corbyn's as he leaned down connecting their lips. corbyn didn't fight it, he complied melting away in the kiss. "doesn't that feel right?" he asked.

corbyn nodded, reattaching his lips to daniel's, now addicted to the feeling. "let's try this."


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