If that's what you want

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"Hey yn, uh...I have something really important to tell you so if you could give me a call back or text me when you can I'd really appreciate it. Okay bye." Your voicemail beeped. You picked up your cell phone and started texting Charlie.

Y: hey Charlie you wanted to talk to me?

C: oh hey yn. Uh meet me at the corner of the bank.

Y: uh okay sure.

You were suspicious but didn't think to much about it. You grabbed your leather jacket and walked out the door. You got in your car and drove down to the corner around the bank. You parked and got out and you saw Charlie waiting there. You walked over to him. "Hey Charlie what's up?" Charlie gave a small smile before turning serious. "Yn, we have to talk." You had a guy feeling something wasn't right.

"I was.... I don't..... I'm not happy. And this isn't easy at all to say but..... lately I've just been feeling like this is too much. And that I can't keep holding on anymore. I love you so much yn and I always will, but I was wrong to pretend that everything was fine when it wasn't because that's not fair to you. You deserve to be happy and to be with someone who makes you feel like a rockstar."

"But that's how I feel with you Charlie!"

"Yn look at me. I'm ending us because I don't want to be selfish and say that I'm okay because I'm not. And I know that you love me and I love you. That's why I'm saying goodbye. It hurts me to do that but I need you to be strong for me. I'll never stop missing us. I love you yn."

You just nodded. You got the jift. "Okay Charlie I understand. I'll love you too...... and I wish you well." You held back tears. Charlie kissed your head before walking away. "See you around yn." You waved goodbye and then you walked back to your car. You held in your tears just long enough until you got home. You ran upstairs to your room and took off your jacket before burying your face in your pillow. You cried for what felt like forever.

When you felt like you couldn't cry anymore you lifted your face and revealed the mascara smudges now on your pillow. Out of frustration, you threw it across the room. You went downstairs and played Charlie's voicemail again before deleting it. "If that's what you want, then I'm content with that then." You whispered to yourself.

I hope you like this chapter don't forget to comment and vote!!


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