Sprained ankle

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You were running as part of your morning exercise. You kept a steady beat until a cat jumped in your way....then that's when you fell hard on the pavement, twisting your ankle on the way down. You held your ankle with a painful look as you could see the swelling appearing with a bright purple and blue tint. You were on the sidewalk and so you hurried and called the ambulance to come pick you up. 

"Hey miss how are you feeling?" one of the paramedics asked. "I fell and twisted my ankle. I can't move." Both paramedics picked you up and set you down on the gurney. You arrived at the hospital where Charlie was waiting. You were able to call him on your way to the hospital. "Yn are you okay?" "Yeah, I tripped while I was jogging. Fortunately I was able to call the paramedics to come get me. I twisted my ankle so I couldn't walk home or anything so they took me to the hospital instead."

Charlie sighed a sigh of relief. "Okay, I'm so glad you're okay yn. I'll meet you there at the hospital." 

The paramedics wheeled you in on the gurney and you saw a glimpse of Charlie in the waiting room talking to the receptionist. They wheeled you into the examination room where a doctor was waiting for you. "Hello miss yn, I hear you have a twisted ankle?" You nodded looking painfully at the swollen ankle that was set in a boot that the paramedics had put to make sure your injury didn't get worse. 

Charlie then burst in to aid by your side. "Yn, are you okay? Is it broken?" He asked with distressed. "No doesn't seem like it." The doctor said after he examined your ankle. "But it is sprained, so that means you'll have to wear a boot on your leg for a couple weeks until it heals." You nodded, a little disappointed that your injury would interfere with your exercise schedule, but still relieved that  it wasn't broken. 

After the hospital, Charlie made it his mission to cater to your every need. "Yn do you need anything to eat? Or drink? Or did you want me to pop in a movie or fluff your support pillow?" You loved how attentive he was, even if it was a bit much at times. You shook your head. "No not right now baby, but maybe later on." Charlie looked at you with puppy dog eyes and kissed your cheek soundly.

"Just let me know if you need anything." Later on, you tired walking to the bathroom by yourself. It was no problem walking upstairs with a bulky boot on your leg, but going down was another issue. Charlie wasn't there to assist you, but that didn't stop you from walking down the steps...and then falling down them. A loud thud captured Charlie's attention, making him rush to your side. And to his trepidation, he saw you laying there on the hard floor underneath the stairs. "YN! Are you okay?!" "Yeah." You weakly said. Charlie immediately helped you up and carried you back to the couch. 

"Yn, if you need help just ask me ok?" You shamely looked down. Charlie sat next to you and put an arm around you. He didn't want to make you feel bad, the last thing he needed was to make you feel like a inferior child. "I'm sorry yn, it's just that I worried about you when I saw that you fell."

You nodded with understanding. "It's okay." Charlie went over to the dvd player and popped in 'There's something about Mary'. He curled up next to you on the couch and it made you and your ankle feel better.

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