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You and Charlie had just gotten married and you were going on your honeymoon to Rome. Charlie booked a 5 star hotel with the view of the city and the water. You were still in your wedding dress and Charlie was in his tux so the attention from the the guests of the hotel, no doubt were on the newlyweds. Charlie signed in at the front desk before walking you up to the suite.

 Charlie signed in at the front desk before walking you up to the suite

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"Oh Charlie it's beautiful!" you exclaimed. Charlie smiled and kissed you passionately. "I knew you'd like it babe. I'll go get our suitcases from the trunk." You say patiently waiting for Charlie who eventually came upstairs with the suitcases. "We can get changed and then we can go to dinner." he said taking off his bow tie. You agreed and changed out of your wedding dress carefully and packed it away. You changed into a fancy top and pants and put on high wedged sandals. Charlie changed into a polo shirt with slacks and packed his tuxedo away.

Your cell phone buzzed and it was your mom calling. She worried that you and Charlie wouldn't make it as a married couple because to her you were still very young, even though you weren't. "Yn are you okay? Where are you? Did you wanna come home? If you do I understand perfectly, I'll make your room up the same as when you left it." You chuckled. "Mom I left home 4 years ago. I'm fine we're in Rome right now about to go to dinner. We are enjoying our honeymoon."

"I know it's just that....well I'm just worried because it takes a lot to be a successful couple and I just want you to enjoy marriage for a long time. That's all." You understood. You're parents were married for a long time and they still were. But you remember your mom telling you that they got married really young and so it was harder for them because they didn't have much experience in life yet. But you and Charlie had an advantage. You got to travel and see and experience new things in life. So when you met Charlie, he only added to the happiness you already had.

"I'll call you back mom, love you bye." You hung up and turned your attention to Charlie. "Moms." you said shaking your head smiling. Charlie nodded understandingly. You both went down to the restaurant and ordered lunch where you talked about you're future plans and got to know each other a little more. "If we have kids, I'm gonna install this big pool. So they can splash around and play and we can relax by the poolside and watch them." Charlie said. You were intrigued by his family oriented opinions.

You always told yourself that you would never marry a guy who didn't like kids. But Charlie loved children. He acted like a big kid himself but he still had a mature side which was important to you too. "A big pool would be nice. Don't forget about a whole playground in the backyard too." Charlie giggled. He reached out for your hand and held it tightly. "I'm so grateful for you." He said pressing a kiss to your lips.

Later that night, you both walked around Rome and took in the sliver stars and the crescent moon that shined it's way for you and Charlie. You both made it back to your hotel room where you both looked out on the terrace and admired the night sky that looked like a painting. Your wedding ring diamond sparkled against Charlie's hand that you forgot you were holding. You looked at each other and leaned in sharing a passionate kiss.

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