Embarrassing shopping trip with your son

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You and Charlie liked to consider yourself to be fun parents, affectionate parents and the type who would regularly encourage their child even at the most inconvenient times. Although your son Rye, found it to be rather embarrassing at times. This was especially common once he hit his teen years. The unannounced school visits, the bedtime stories, the unwavering doctor's office support and now the shopping trip.

Rye needed new clothes and so as expected, that would mean a trip to the clothing store. Rye, wanting to be cool tried numerous ways to distance himself from you and Harry, but you two never seemed to get the message. The car ride was a nightmare for the young man, as you and Charlie sung loud and off key to a nostalgic 80's song on the way, making Rye blast his music on high. The upon entry to the store, Charlie proceed to point out one of Rye's childish quirks he had as a baby. "Remember when Rye used to have that slight stutter and when the lady clerk asked him if he wanted a sucker, he stuttered so much." You and Charlie thought that was hilarious, Rye did not.

"Rye baby! I found that cool transformers shirt you like." Too bad Rye was in a completely different aisle and he was eyeing a pretty blonde who was walking by. But she was half his senior and that only added the the stinging of his blushed cheeks. But adding salt to the wound was when Charlie decided to measure underwear for Rye as he was walking over to see what you wanted. "Dad!" He hissed through gritted teeth. "Do you like this color?" Rye shook it off and stormed over to a completely different area of the store. Charlie followed him with a pout on his face.

"What's wrong bud? Do you feel sick?" Rye wasn't given the option of responding before Charlie placed a hand over his cheeks and head. "You feel a little warm, have you been washing your hands after using the bathroom?" Charlie said in a whisper talk. Rye looked panic stricken as a group of college girls walked by. Rye turned in shame towards the other display of shorts. "Come on champ, let's pick out a super cool t-shirt!" Charlie took Rye's hand into his and led him to you. "There's my big boy, look what I've found?" Of course, the transformers shirt.

Rye gulped. "It's nice mom, but I think it's too small," Rye was polite despite the immense trial he was mercilessly facing. "Nonsense, go try it on. It's a large." you were so optimistic about this. Great, a large baby shirt. Thought Rye. He took the shirt and raced into the fitting room quickly, wanting to show you and Charlie for your satisfaction and then scratch the repugnant shirt for something better. He showcased the shirt for contentness from his parents, only to his horror, you had picked out a bunch of 'kiddy' shirts for him. "I found the cutest shirt with a frog on it that says 'Hop to it'." Charlie seemed so proud of himself for picking that one out.

"Sure, lemme go grab something real quick." Rye dashed out of the fitting room, barely getting his original shirt back on and hiding himself in a rounded hanger rack of clothes. "Honeysuckle? Where are you?" Rye cringed at hearing you call his baby pet name. "Honeysuckle?" Some boy joked walking by. You flashed a smile. "It's my little boy, he's somewhere around here." 

I guess Rye lost track of how long he stayed hidden. "Could a Rye Puth come to the lost and found? A Rye Puth thank you." The overhead voice spoke. Rye's face turned a tomato red, as the fun music had stopped and it seemed like everyone's attention had turned to the speaker almost like they had to stop everything for his parents to obtain their 'precious little Rye'. To Rye, time had stopped and all eyes were on him as he did a walk of shame to the lost and found. He felt a queasiness upon reaching his destined designation.

The familiar faces of his parents made him shake with anticipation and childishness. Charlie immediately called out Rye once he noticed his son's presence. "Rye!" The duo ran and grouped and extremely self-conscious Rye into a group hug before smothering his cheeks in kisses. As if Rye's face couldn't get any redder. "Oh sweetheart, we were so worried when we didn't see you!" Rye begged for God to lower your voice. You held Rye's hand before taking him back to the aisle with all the goofy shirts. "Uh mom and dad, could we maybe try another aisle with just plain t-shirts?" You and Charlie looked surprised. "But I thought you liked these?" You pointed out.

Rye shrugged. "I'm just into something more different now," You shared a look with your husband. "Our little man is growing up." Rye gave a tight lipped smile before nodding his head in agreement. Rye went off to find the shirts he liked with a newfound understanding his parents had. They accepted he was no longer a little boy......even with the exception of treating him like one at times.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2023 ⏰

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