Homemade brownies

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You had baked some homemade brownies and you put a note on the jar that you put them in that said:


Please do not eat these brownies because I need them for my friends bake sale. But I did however leave you some yogurt in the fridge if you get hungry.

Luv u


Charlie scoffed at the note and went into the living room and turned on the TV. Halfway into the show, his stomach started grumbling and he couldn't help but look at the big plastic jar of homemade soft, chewy, chocolatey brownies that were sitting in there. His stomach grumbled even harder and his mouth started watering.

"Maybe just one, yn won't notice right?" He thought. But Charlie stopped himself before he even got close to the jar. Instead he sighed and opened the fridge to the 3 containers of mango yogurt that you layed out for Charlie. He grabbed one of them and sat on the couch.

He unpaused the TV and continued watching it. After the show and after he finished his yogurt, he went into the kitchen and saw the brownies still staring back at him. Charlie's mouth started watering again and he took a step closer to the brownies until he heard your keyes unlock the door.

He then ran back to his chair and turned off the TV. "Hey babe." He said as soon as you took your first step inside the house. "Hey." You said noticing Charlie's cheesy grin. You wondered what he was up to and you immediately ran to the jar with the brownies.

To your surprise they were ALL still there. You even counted them. You made 30. "I promise I didn't touch any." He said from the chair. "I believe you." You said. "But you can have as many as want now."

"Really?" Charlie asked. "Yeah. The bake sale is cancelled, yfn said that an emergency came up with her husband."

Charlie smiled running towards the jar. He took one brownie out and shoved it in his mouth. "Best baker ever." He said swallowing it and kissing your nose. You took a bite out of your brownie as you and Charlie smiled at each other.

Hope you like this chapter don't forget to comment and vote!!


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