I'm with you

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*Mentions of attempted suicide and death and depression*

The sun was asleep and the stars took its place as you walked down the lit street. Somberness illuminated you as walked down the cold streets, head covered in your hat with a ball on top and a matching black winter coat and black UGG boots. Everything was a mess, your parents didn't understand your feelings, your ex boyfriend cheated and the cherry on top was your best friend had HELPED your boyfriend cheat seeing how she was the mistress. You didn't find any other joy except your night time walks alone by yourself where no one would approach you or try to talk to you, as you definitely weren't in the mood. Nobody seemed to care or understand at all that you were hurting. The tears spilled from your eyes as the cold air touched your cheeks and made them a rosy color.

You hated life right now and nothing seemed to change your perspective....except the bridge you were coming upon. The crafted metal bars kept you in line as you walked across it, stopping to look at the fresh night view where the blue waters were the moon's mirror and the lights from the city twinkled through it's soft ocean wave sound. You always loved the bridge because the scenery and the bridge itself was beautiful. The thought crossed your mind but....you were to afraid to think on it fearing it might convince you to act on it. Besides you wanted to be optimistic and hope for the best. But the best was yet to come. You were alone now. Even the streets were empty. You let the cold air sway the strands of your hair back and forth. You took a deep breath and put one foot up on the railing.

Then the other. Let my melancholy kiss the world goodbye You thought as the faint smoke flavor whizzed past your nostrils, giving it a slight tickling sensation. You looked upon the dark sky that was a rich dark blackish beryl that was filled with pale yellow stars that never brightened your sky. You closed your eyes and swayed your body back and forth, ready to fly into your tranquility.

But before you could sway forward to your death, a sharp hand grabbed your wrist and wrapped and arm around your midsection and pulled you down. "Thank god I'm not too late." A clear virile voice that tapped into your memory and instantly recognized whose voice it belonged to.

"Yn....what were you....how could you....why?" His voice was breathless. Maybe from running to find you here to his great dread after reading the cryptic message you sent him, from being the only person in your life who gave you an ounce of happiness. Everything you loved was being stripped from you and there was nothing you could do about it. So why not? What's the point? Why even bother? Why live?

"Yn?" Charlie said shaking you out of the very thoughts that pushed you to this point. Only difference was this would be a 3 hour long thing on a Sunday, while you were curled up next to your bathtub contemplating whether to douche yourself in a bottle of pills. Hey sunday best right?

You choked on sobs that tired to uproot themselves from your lungs. Maybe it was finally raw emotion, that you buried for so long underneath was now broadcasting itself as that weal cry for help. And Charlie was right there. He held you closely enough to feel his heartbeat beating in sync with yours. "It's gonna be okay yn....but please don't give up. Not like this."

Tears started to drip on to the cold brick pavement that laid beneath you and Charlie. He hugged you and whispered sweet things and promised that it would be alright. "Let's go." He said taking you by the heart and leading you to another road. Another chance, another life. And real love would be your map.

Hope you like this chapter don't forget to comment and vote!!


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