Freedom in you

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2 year old Addison struggled to walk ever since she was born. You and Charlie we're both worried that she would never be able to walk without crutches. But you accepted fate as it was anyway. One day you and Charlie were talking about something when Addison started walking with only one crutch. "Addison don't move! I'll get your other crutch." You held Charlie back. "No wait, let's see how she walks without it."

Charlie carefully slid to the floor with you following. Charlie held his hands out for Addison. "Honey, try to let go of the other crutch and walk towards mommy and daddy." Addison carefully took one foot forward before dropping the other crutch and stumbled into Charlie's arms. "You did it!" You and Charlie cheered. "My little girl walked without crutches!" You exclaimed. You picked Addison up and swung her around. All 3 of you grouped in for a family hug.

Hope you like this chapter don't forget to comment and vote!!

Sorry it's kinda short


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