Treat you better

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Your boyfriend Dave was known to violent and he made you scared to leave him. Everyday there were bruises on your arms and legs from Dave's temper. He didn't want you talking to a guy let alone looking at one. You really didn't like him but you stayed with him because you were scared. You didn't want him to hurt you or worse. You actually liked your best friend Charlie. He liked you too, you just didn't know it.

Anyway one day you decided to grab something to eat. Dave was at work so you used that time to get away from him. You ordered your food at the counter and then once it came you took it to your table. You were self conscious because you were hoping no one saw your bruised face. The bruises on your arms were already visible so you looked around to see if anyone noticed. No one did but you still felt insecure.

You just happened to see Charlie sitting in a near by booth. He saw you and waved. By habit you pushed your hair out of your face and waved back smiling. Charlie's smile disappeared and was replaced with shock. It then hit you that your black eye and your bruised cheek was exposed. You turned around and covered your face and started back to eating. You didn't want anyone else to see your face. After you finished your lunch, you threw away your trash and went outside to your car. Charlie ran after you and got to you before you got to your car. "Yn! Uh, you're face....a-are you okay? What happened?!"

"Oh nothing I just accidentally hit myself in the face with boxing glove. It's a long story." "Are you sure no one hit you?" "Yes Charlie I'm fine! Leave me alone!"

"Yn, you can tell me.... please." You paused and then you continued walking to your car. You sat in the driver's seat with tears in your eyes. That was a dead giveaway reaction that you gave and you were scared Charlie might tell the police and Dave would get mad. Really mad. So you avoided going home for as long as possible. Unfortunately Dave got home early and he expected you to be there so he called you up. "YN WHY AREN'T YOU HOME!?"

"Oh I'm sorry babe I'm coming back right now. Did you want me to meet you at my house or your's?" "NEVERMIND THAT! YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED LEAVE WHEN I COME HOME FROM WORK! I WORK HARD AND I EXPECT A HOME COOKED MEAL WAITING FOR ME!"

You didn't know what to say. "YOU KNOW WHAT!? I'M JUST GONNA FIND YOU MYSELF!" Dave hung up before you could respond. You got scared fearing another black eye or worse. You drove to Charlie's house and knocked on his door. "Charlie please it's me yn I'm scared. I'm sorry about what happened at the cafe, but my boyfriend's coming for me!" You panicked. You saw Dave's car pull up and you banged even harder on the door but Dave was making his way to you. Just as Charlie opened the door, Dave grabbed you and threw you to the ground. Charlie calmly closed the door behind him and jumped on Dave with both of them falling off the porch steps. Charlie kicked him in the nuts causing Dave to fall to his defeat. "Yn are you okay?!" Charlie asked running to you. "I'm fine, thank you."

Charlie picked you up and carried you inside his house. He called the police on a Dave. They came and took him away and towed his car. You stayed and chatted with Charlie about the whole situation he ordered Chinese for the both of you. "Yn, I've been meaning to tell you this forever and now that you're single I can. I really like you, more as a friend that is."

"Me too Charlie. Honest....I was just too scared to leave Dave." "Well you're safe now." Charlie kissed you passionately starting the new relationship between you both.

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