Happy for you

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There you were sleeping alone in your bed with the sun creeping through your blinds beaming on your eyes. It was exactly 150 days and 21 weeks since you last spoke to your ex boyfriend Charlie. He already had moved on with this new girl who you later found out went by the name Kim. He bought her the same tee shirt that Charlie once had gotten you on you're 3 month anniversary. But that was done now. You hoped to find someone like Charlie but it never worked because of how much you missed him.

You dragged yourself out of bed and stumbled to your closet and picked out a hoodie and some jeans. You needed to run some errands today so you hurriedly made up your bed and went downstairs and made yourself a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice. Afterwards you brushed your teeth and did your hair and then grabbed your car keys on the way out. 

You pulled up the parking lot of the grocery store that you always shop at. While walking up to the curb of the store, you bumped into Charlie and Kim. She had on the same t-shirt that Charlie had gotten you except it looked better on her. At least that's what you thought. Those feeling rushed back to you as Charlie was about to speak "Hello yn how are you? This is Kim." He said. You snapped out of your thoughts. "Oh hi Charlie and hi Kim." you forced a friendly smile. You then noticed that Charlie was holding her hand and your heart broke again. Oh how you wished that was your hand.

"I'm good Charlie thanks for asking. And how are you two?" Charlie and Kim looked at each other and smiled. "We're doing fine thank you." You could tell Charlie wanted to say more but he decided to remain quiet. "Well we better get going." Charlie said trying to break the awkward silence. "Bye yn. Have a good day." Kim said. "Thanks you too." You continued on walking to the store but this time with a daze of sadness. Charlie was so happy with Kim and he just couldn't take his eyes off her for even a couple seconds. He was completely smitten with her. Kim was so nice and so you couldn't hate her for that. She seemed to make Charlie happy.

You forced yourself out of that fog and went inside the store but you couldn't focus on anything. Seeing Charlie again really made you miss him. You wanted to be happy for both of them but you missed Charlie so much. You ended up leaving and not buying anything except your comfort food chocolate and red wine. Then you ordered a pizza and went home and cried. You knew it was time to move on but you couldn't. Charlie was over you and you had to let go. After all Charlie and Kim could end up getting married one day! 

You sipped your wine and ate your pizza while watching sad romance movies. Tears streamed down your face as the thoughts raced through your head. You woke up to a hangover and empty bottle of wine that crashed to the floor when you awoke. "Oh great." You said to yourself. You carefully stepped over the broken glass and grabbed the broom from the kitchen closet and some aspirin. You wanted some fairy tale about how Charlie would text you and say that he loved you and that he felt those same feelings too, but he didn't.

You soothed your hangover but unfortunately your heartache stayed. You looked at the clock and saw that it was late at night so you got drunk at lunchtime. You felt ashamed at everything you did that day. You cleaned up and went to bed. There you laid in the same way that you laid that morning. You cried a little but then collected yourself. You decided that your best bet was to be happy for Charlie and take some time for yourself. If you couldn't be happy with him, then you would be happy for him. 

Hope you guys like this chapter don't forget to comment and vote!!


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