Port in the storm

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"I can't Charlie I can't!" I said even though he wasn't around. Tears streamed down my face as I was trying to gather my strength to write to him how I felt. I knew I wasn't strong enough to continue this relationship. And it's not fair to Charlie if I didn't give my all for him because I was weak. I ran to my room with tears filling my eyes.

I packed my bags and wrote a detailed heartfelt note about why I couldn't be with Charlie, but that it didn't mean I didn't love him. Charlie deserves better, so if I'm gone he can find better. I walked out the door and got in a taxi. I put my bags in the backseat and I drove off to the airport. I was gonna go back to New York City 🏙️. I cried on the way there because I still really loved Charlie. But I couldn't continue like this. It was a bad time. Once I got to the airport, I paid the driver and then I grabbed my bags and started walking to the door.

I got my ticket and then I boarded the plane. I looked out the window and took one last glance at California. "Goodbye" I whispered. When we were pulling off I thought for sure I saw Charlie's car. The flight was long, but I eventually got there. I stayed in a hotel until I could find a cheap apartment to move into. I checked my phone and saw 32 missed calls from Charlie. I just plopped down on the bed and just tried to get some sleep. When I woke up I was hungry so I went to a pizza place. I ordered a large pepperoni pizza 🍕 and a Sprite.

When my pizza came I immediately started eating because I was so hungry. I ate the whole pizza and drank my Sprite before heading back to my hotel. I went inside the elevator and when the doors opened, Charlie was standing in front of it! I tried not to look at him but he got in anyway. "Yn! Thank goodness I found you!" He said kissing your cheek repeatedly. You didn't push him away, instead you kissed him as he kissed back. "Why did you run away to New York?!"

"How did you know I was in New York?"

"It's your hometown so I figured you'd be here."

"You traveled all the way to New York to see me and get me back?" I said.

"Of course! I love you yn."

I instantly cried in Charlie's arms. "I didn't think I was good enough for you because you have all this stardom so I figured that someone else who fits your standards would be better for you."

"Yn! Of course you're good enough for me! I love you and I want you! I don't want another girl who tries to fit my standards because nothing comes close to you." Charlie kissed me again. There we were in the elevator kissing probably holding it up.

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