Runaway son

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Your son Jack was actually especially rebellious lately. He hated how you and Charlie got to tell him what to do, where to go and when to do it. Jack longed for freedom and wanted to be out from under you and Charlie despite your constant rules on keeping him safe and both of you trying to protect him. But no doubt there was a emotional gap between you two. Jack got into a argument with you about his curfew.

"It's not fair! I get grounded for coming in one second late! It's not my fault that traffic was busy!" He snarled. "It wouldn't be a problem if you actually made a habit to come home on time!" Charlie yelled. Jack rolled his eyes. "Yeah right, you'd still punish me." You and Charlie had enough. "That's it Jack you're grounded for a month! Maybe next time you'll work on keeping that tongue of your's in check!" He said.

"That's not fair! I tried talking to you guys but you never listen so I think it's unreal how you expect me to take orders like I'm a prisoner!" Jack stormed past you both. "You talk at us Jack not with us!" You yelled up the stairs. "Whatever."

Charlie went upstairs. "Don't talk to your mother like that young man! I think it's best you straighten up or else there will be even bigger consequences!" To be truthfully honest, you all kinda talked at each other instead of listening. You and Charlie enforced rules and discipline without reasoning or understanding Jack and Jack rebelled against you both because he was hurting deep down because he felt unloved. Nobody was exactly a hundred percent right. You always felt horrible for fighting with your son. You just wanted a heart to heart talk.

The next morning after things calmed down you went upstairs to let Jack know breakfast was ready. But he wasn't there. He wasn't anywhere in the house! You ran downstairs, heart pounding because you were desperate to find your child. "CHARLIE JACK'S MISSING!" Charlie shot up from the table and rushed upstairs. He held you as you cried into his chest. "I knew we shouldn't have grounded him!" He hugged before running downstairs to call the police. "I would like to report a missing 16 year old boy." Charlie shakenly said. He and you were wrenched with fear.

"I don't know exactly when he left, my wife found him this morning gone. We're thinking he left in the middle of the night while we were asleep." The operator said something on the phone and Charlie kept saying okay before he thanked him and hung up. "They said they're gonna send out a amber alert on him and start a search. I think we should try to find him too." You cried in Charlie's arms. You would never have imagined yourself in this situation before. You're child was missing. You were also angry at Jack for putting you and Charlie through this.

"When I get my hands on that boy I'm gonna..." Charlie looked at your sad face before continuing. "We'll take it a step at a time." Just then you heard a knock on the front door. You thought it was the police, so you both rushed to the door. But when you opened it, it was Jack!

You and Charlie grabbed Jack inside and hugged him tightly. You and Charlie planted kisses all over  his face. "Oh Jack we were so worried about you! If anything ever happened to you..." You said. "I know..... I'm sorry for running away and making you guys worry. I guess I let my bitter emotions get the best of me." He said tears forming in his eyes. "The truth is that I never wanted to hurt you. I just wanted you to understand how I felt but.... I guess it still won't do anything though. I made myself look like an idiot for running away from my problems." You and Charlie looked at each other. "Well we're just glad to have you home." Charlie and you hugged him again before calling the police and calling off the search.

Afterwards you three had a heart to heart talk and you both reached a compromise and realized that you all had to listen to what other has to say and do. Jack did get grounded for 3 weeks instead of a month for his curfew and running away. But he graciously accepted it. He went upstairs to his room. You and Charlie looked at each other before wrapping your arms around the other. You were just relieved to your little boy back.

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