Son's shot

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You and Charlie had a little boy. He was only 2 years old and he was going to the doctor to get his 2 year shots. Sn was scared but you and Charlie reassured him that everything was going to be fine.

You guys drove to the doctors offices and waited in the waiting room. You signed sn's name and Charlie played rock paper scissors with him. Pretty soon the nurse called sn back. "Sn?" You, Charlie and sn got up and went to the back with the nurse. She took sn's height and weight.

Then she did the seeing and hearing test. She guided you three to the exam room. She took sn's temperature and blood pressure. She wrote something down. "The doctor will be in shortly" she said. You and Charlie nodded. You and Charlie both looked at sn knowing what was going to happen next.

The doctor came in and discussed the details of sn's shot records and health chart. Then the doctor left and the nurse came in a couple minutes after with a tray of 4 needles💉. Charlie got up from his chair and went over to sn. He gently layed him down on the exam table. " 2 of them are for meningitis and the other ones are for the chicken pox and and small pox".

Charlie rolled up sn's shorts and a then held his little hands tight. "It's just gonna be a little pinch okay? It'll go real quick" Charlie said in his baby voice. He kissed his head. The nurse rubbed the alcohol on sn's thighs. Then she inserted the needle in one leg and then the other. Sn was crying really hard. You tried to wipe the tears flowing from sn's eyes.

Charlie kept saying "it's okay" to sn. Finally the last needle came and then the nurse put the bandage on. "All done" she said. Charlie picked sn up and hugged him. He kissed his forehead and cheek. "You are such a big boy!" Charlie praised. You kissed sn's cheeks. "You were so brave! You did amazing!" You said.

Sn sniffled a little bit but he was fine. You signed sn out and then you guys went to the car. Charlie buckled in sn. "You are tough sn. Mmmauh" he kissed. Charlie got in the car and then he started it.

Sn was looking at his 4 bandages. His thighs were kinda red and swollen under the bandages. "Don't touch it sn! Wash your hands before you do" you said. Sn nodded. You and Charlie bought some lunch and some ice cream for sn. "Here you go" said Charlie handing the ice cream to sn. "Thank you Mommy and Daddy" he said.

You and Charlie smiled at each other and then at sn. "Your welcome" you both said at the same time. When you got home, Charlie took an up to his room for a nap, while you and Charlie watched a movie. "The doctor said that the shots would make him a little drowsy" said Charlie coming downstairs. "Okay" you said.

You and Charlie watched signs. And when the movie was over you ordered some dinner. When the pizza came, sn woke up and came downstairs. "Hey champ" said Charlie. "Hi" said sn. You fixed Charlie and sn's plates. Then you all ate dinner and relaxed for the evening.

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