Long shot

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I was in the library when I looked and saw a guy that made you look twice. He had these deep rich hazel eyes and a big smile with perfect white teeth. He was so handsome. I couldn't help but immediately start crushing on him. He smiled at me and took a seat next to the table I was sitting at. He had a mysterious vibe to him. He seemed intrigued by the book he was reading so he didn't seem to notice me after that.

I got up after I finished my book to put it back on the shelf but I accidentally tripped over part of the bookshelf. The guy spun around and caught me before I landed on the ground. Coincidence? Maybe. I turned to the guy as his eyes reflected off of mine. "T-Thank you." He nodded and smiled. I grabbed the book off the floor and put it back on the shelf glancing occasionally at the mysterious man. I still found it interesting how he caught me in the nick of time from falling down possibly breaking my wrist or something.

I left the library unknowing that I would meet this mysterious man again. This time...at his job. Later on I was walking down the street at night trying to get home but of course something happened. Something shot off a party these people were at so they all started running in my direction. I tried to run but I tripped and fell, so I thought for sure I would be trampled. But then something or should I say someone's hand grabbed me before that happened and lifted me up in the air. He had a superhero mask so I couldn't really make out his features too much until I recognized his eyes. "You're the guy from the library!" I whispered loud enough for me to hear. He looked at me. "Yeah... My name's Charlie by the way but you can call me 'lighting'. That's my superhero name."

I hung onto him as he put me down. "Lightning... thanks for saving my life. I really appreciate it....by the way I'm yn." "Nice to meet you yn. I hope to see you around sometime."

I smiled. "Well, I could...give you my number maybe?" "Sure I'd like that." I gave Charlie my number and he took off. I looked up at the sky where Charlie (aka lightning) wrote thanks yn in lighting bolts in the sky. I smiled before running home. I couldn't believe I had actually met a superhero and then gave him my number!

I went to bed that night wondering if he'd take me up on that offer to call me. The next morning I woke up to a text from him asking if I wanted to grab a coffee. I agreed. I met him at Starbucks where we talked and got to know each other. We had a lot in common and I really liked him and how he treated other people. Charlie was kinda, smart, geeky and quirky which was just what I was looking for in a person. I didn't think I meet a guy like Charlie for a long time but I guess life took a different route this time. He walked me home after telling me he had a great time with me. "I had a wonderful time too Charlie. Thank you." We gave each other a hug before I went inside my house.

I'm actually glad I tripped over that library bookshelf. Then I would never have taken a long shot like this.

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