If it's just me

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Yn called me and told me to meet her at the park. I grabbed my jacket and my car keys. Me and yn had been having problems in our relationship lately and I have a feeling the relationship isn't gonna last long. I drove to the park with a gut feeling in me. Once I got there, the sun was swallowed up by dark rain clouds almost like it was mocking my emotions. Yn was waiting there by the tree and I walked up to her. "Hey Charlie." She said emotionlessly. "Hey." I replied back simply. "The reason I called you here is because we need to talk."

"I can't.... I don't want to be...I think it's best if we break up. It's not you it's just that....I should've known I wasn't ready to start dating again and it's not because I don't like you it's because I need to focus on myself before I get into a serious relationship and I didn't give myself that time really. I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to put you on or anything it's just...well I hope you can understand."

I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded. Yn walked away and I just watched as she got further and further away. She got in her car and left and I just watched her car drive by till it was out of sight. I let the tears fall and I walked to my car until I heard a thunder after a strike of lightning. I ran to my car as it started pouring. Oh yeah, the sky was definitely mocking me. I turned on the radio desperate to clear my mind of the sadness. All the songs that came on were love songs with peppy optimistic beats so I had to scroll until I found one that wouldn't make me get into a car accident because I was crying to hard on the way home.

I finally stopped when I heard 'Moves like jagger' by Maroon 5. I drove home and I parked my car in the driveway and ran inside my house. I took off my wet jacket throwing it on the floor before running upstairs to my room and plopping on my bed to cry. The next thing I knew was I woke up around 5 o'clock in the evening and I dragged myself downstairs to make myself some coffee.

As the coffee brewed, I looked over and saw a picture of me and yn together. Our last picture together. I turned it over for now because I couldn't bring myself to get rid of it. I couldn't help but think that maybe if I had kept quiet about our relationship then maybe we would still be together. The coffee finished brewing and I poured myself a cup. I took it into living room with me after hanging my coat back on the shelf. I sat down on the couch and just watched some TV while sipping my coffee.

Everything reminded me of yn.

I decided to just grab my jacket and took a walk to clear my mind. I started trying to think positive about everything and I started to feel a little better. I ordered a pizza and then I went home and got comfortable after unzipping and taking off my jacket. I ate half of my pizza while watching family guy. When it became 11 at night I already started working on some music. I checked my phone for any calls or texts from yn but they were none as expected. I checked her social media and there was nothing.

I set my phone down and decided that it was better to be free then to hang on to the past. I already started moving on.

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