My protector

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You were working at the coffee shop and you used to love it there until you got a new manager who would bully consistently. He would always make fun of the way you poured coffee and how you talked to the customers even though you were more than polite.

You went home to your husband Charlie who noticed the drained look on your face. "Hey yn how was work?" You just shrugged. "Same as always." Charlie noticed you were upset and sat down next to you. He rubbed your shoulders. "What's the matter yn? You don't seem relaxed like you usually do." "Oh it's nothing Charlie, it was a hard day at work." Boy was it ever! You gave Charlie a reassuring smile before getting up and going to you and Charlie's room. You took off your uniform and hat and changed into your pajamas. Everything your manager said was still in the back of your head.

You let some tears spill from your eyes and on to your pillow. You heard Charlie's feet coming up the stairs so you immediately dried your eyes and sat up from the bed. You grabbed your phone and made it seem like you were on it. Charlie brought you up a cup of hot tea and he sat beside you as you layed your head on his shoulder. "Thank you for the tea." You drank your tea as Charlie was playing the keyboard softly.

The next morning you woke up and went to the bathroom. There You washed your face and brushed your teeth. Then you tied your hair in a ponytail and put on your uniform and hat. You gave Charlie a small kiss on the cheek before you left and then you grabbed your car keys. On the car ride there all you kept thinking about was your manager. Your stomach tied in knots as you pulled up to the coffee shop. You parked the car and got out.

You opened the door as the bells above it jingled. You grabbed your apron and went to your station at the cash register. "Oh hi yn, don't go slow today like all the other times. We have money to make!" You manager hissed. "Why is it always me!" You thought. "He never picks on anyone else!" The first customer came in and you took their order and pretty soon, other customers were coming in. It was getting crowded.

You were pouring the coffee for one customer when your manager said: "It doesn't take that long to pour coffee! Do I once again have to show to be competent?" You tried to ignore those harsh words but he said them so much that it made it hard. You wanted to break down right then. But then your next customer came up and it was Charlie!

"Oh hey babe what are you doing here?" You asked with a bit of relief to your voice. "I just wanted my morning coffee." He said making that cheeky expression you loved so much. "Coming right up." You said cheerfully. As you were pouring Charlie his iced coffee, your manager "accidentally" bumped into you and made you spill it on the floor behind the register. "You idiot! You can't do anything right!"

"But I-"

"Just shut it and clean up this mess!" He snapped. Tears couldn't help but spill from your eyes. You tried to hide it from the customers especially Charlie because you didn't want to be more embarrassed than what you already were. But then Charlie asked for the manager. You wiped your eyes and stopped mopping and looked up at Charlie and nodded. You got your hellbounded manager and he asked Charlie what the problem was.

Charlie grabbed him by his shirt collar. "If you ever talk to her like that again, I will take that apron and hang you with it! That 'idiot' happens to be my wife! SO BACK OFF!" Charlie then shoved him back so hard that he fell on the wet ground with ice coffee and mop water over his pants. Everyone was staring at you, an angry Charlie and a extremely intimidated and embarrassed manager.

"Thank you Charlie." You said kissing his cheek. He just smiled. "It's what I do. I'll don't think he'll be any more trouble to you and if he is just let me know."

You kissed Charlie passionately before getting him his iced coffee. After Charlie left, your manager ran to his office and stayed there for the whole day. And you were able to work your shift in peace.

Hope you like this chapter don't forget to comment and vote!!


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