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As I sat on the couch looking over something on my computer at 2 in the morning, my phone rings. It's Jessica. Even I didn't really want to, I answered anyway. Jessica was my ex girlfriend. I still found her really attractive but she just wasn't for me. "Jessica?"

"Hey Charlie" she said sniffling. I knew already she was drunk just by her voice. She gets really emotional when she's wasted. "I really need to see you like now."

"Jessica, it's 2 in the morning and besides we're done. I can't come over anyway I'm working on a project"

"Charlie please! You're the only one I can talk to!" I hated how persuasive she was. I just knew she was gonna take advantage of me if I went over there. She just uses me whenever she's sad. Probably because some guy didn't want to go out with her. I told Jessica no again and hung up. That was a mistake.

She showed up at my place 15 minutes later. "Jessica are you serious!?" "Please Charlie, I'm a wreak right now." She said leaning into my arms to cry. I eventually caved in and let her in. I gave her some water. "Thank you." She said. "So.... I was with this guy and he dumped me today and it just seems like I can't get over you. I miss you Charlie." She sobbed.

Jessica knew I didn't feel the same but she was just hoping to give it a try I guess. I shook my head. "Jessica, I did miss you at first but we have to move on. I know it seems cloudy at the moment but the sun will shine again." Jessica started unbuttoned her already tight red top and exposed her cleavage. "Are you sure I can't stay the night?" I looked away. "I'm sure." Jessica started to get upset so I escorted her out but wished her the best. I hoped Jessica could take the hint soon enough and stop calling me when she's drunk.

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