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I was laying in bed when my husband Charlie came in the room from a long day. He was so tired that he just took off his shoes and jacket. He left his clothes on and climbed into bed. The minute his body touched my back, I could smell perfume on him. And it wasn't mine! I don't even own that many.

I think Charlie knew I wasn't fully asleep because he turned to the other side. That's when I tapped on his shoulder. "Charlie....why do you smell like perfume?" I asked. Charlie turned his head a little bit.

"I was at the studio and when I lit the candles, I guess some of the smell must've gotten on me because I was sitting right by it." I knew he was lying and I gut feeling crept up in my stomach almost like a red siren screaming that there was danger but I tried to just let it go and give Charlie the benefit of a doubt.

Maybe he really was telling the truth. But then his phone started buzzing and Charlie sat up. He checked his phone shifted his legs out of the bed. "Important call yn, I gotta take this." He said getting out off the bed and walking out. I was debating on whether or not to listen in, but I decided to let my curiosity get the best of me. "Oh yeah I'll be by tomorrow"

Now my guard was really up, who was Charlie talking to?

"Yeah see you soon....bye."

I hopped back into bed before Charlie could see me. Charlie came back into the room and took his shirt before crawling into bed again. "Work is stressful you know?" Charlie said. "Yeah." I said trying to fall asleep and not think about the heartbreaking scenarios running through my mind.

When I woke up, I saw Charlie was in the shower and he left his phone on the nightstand. I moved over and grabbed it and immediately went into his text messages. They were all deleted. So I scanned his caller ID for any suspicious numbers. I saw one with the name "Maya". It was the name of Charlie's ex girlfriend.

My stomach started getting this guy feeling and I knew something was wrong but I once again tried to ignore it. I heard Charlie step out of the shower and so I clicked off and put his phone back on the nightstand. Charlie was going to a "meeting" today so I figured I would follow him at a distance. Charlie got dressed and grabbed his stuff before kissing my cheek.

"Bye yn love you." He said before rushing out. I waited 5 minutes before getting in my car and following Charlie. He parked at a house and went inside. I couldn't really see anything so I did the true tester. I called Charlie from my car and told him I was gonna be out all day. "Ok yn I'll see you when you get back." He seemed oddly really enthusiastic.

And sure enough after 10 minutes I saw CHARLIE AND MAYA walk out together and get in Charlie's car! My eyes became glossy as I put the car in ignition and followed Charlie. I parked a block down before getting out of the car. I saw Charlie and Maya go in the house.

My sadness soon turned to anger as I stormed to the house. I carefully opened the door and went inside. I tiptoed up the stairs and cracked open me and Charlie's bedroom door. There I saw my husband and his ex girlfriend in OUR bed! I bursted through the door.

Charlie and Maya froze. "I-I....yn"

"Save it!" I said making my voice as harsh as I could. Maya tried to speak but I shushed her. "You know yn, the only reason Charlie's in bed with me is because he likes me more."

I was furious. I grabbed Maya and threw her out of the bed. "Put your clothes on you skank!" I screamed. Charlie opened his mouth but beat him to it. "How could you?! I leave for 5 minutes and you're cheating on me! Do our vows mean nothing!? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"

I stormed out of the house to see Maya running down the street. I sat on the porch step. Charlie came out with his robe on. "Yn.... I... I'm really really really sorry. I shouldn't have did what I did." He sat down next to me putting his hand on my knee. I brushed it off.

"You broke a promise Charlie! If you didn't love me you could've just said so you didn't have to hurt me in the most vile cruel way!" I said wiping running mascara from my cheeks. My black tears dripped on the ground. "I can forgive you, but I can't forget this." I slipped off my ring and gave it to Charlie.

"Yn.... please don't." Charlie said crying. I sat up and went back inside the house and packed all my stuff. Then I walked out going down the block to my car. I put my suitcase in the backseat and got in the car. "Yn......I really am sorry." Charlie followed me to the window of my car.

"Me too." I said before giving him one last look into his eyes before driving off.

Hope you like this chapter don't forget to comment and vote!!


Charlie puth imagines 2 💚💚Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt