I'll hold your hand forever

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You and Charlie we're having a picnic on a field. After your picnic, you and Charlie we're walking back to the car when out of nowhere a car came and hit you. "YN!" Charlie screamed. He ran over to you. He called 911 who came and swiftly took you away. Charlie followed behind as threw the basket in the backseat and drove behind the ambulance. The paramedics wheeled you inside the hospital on the gurney as Charlie ran behind them.

"Her pulse is getting weaker, we're gonna have to rush her into emergency surgery she's bleeding too much." The doctors took you to the surgery room as the nurse went to Charlie. "Are you related to yn?"

"No, but I'm her boyfriend. She was hit by a car."

"Do you know what the car looked like?"

"It was a red car and I couldn't really see the license plate though." The nurse nodded and explained to Charlie that you were now in surgery to stop the bleeding of your punctured lung. Charlie desperately wanted to faint but couldn't. He waited in the waiting room for what felt like days. He buried his face in his hands until the doctor came out.

"She's out of surgery. She's stable right now. I could take you back if you want now." Charlie followed the doctor to your room where you were laying there unconscious because the anesthesia was still in effect. He sat down next to your bed and held your hand tightly. He kissed your cheek repeatedly until you woke up. "What happened? Where am I?"

"You were hit by a car and so I called the paramedics who took you to the hospital where the doctors had to stop the bleeding because you had a punctured lung." Charlie explained. You layed your head on Charlie's arm. "Thanks for being with me, I love you so much."

"I love you a million times more." Charlie buried his face into yours.  "Just don't let go."

"I promise not to." You said.

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